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- Image5503
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- Alumni Reunion 5504
- Lincoln University Alumni Association 1816
- Branch Gatherings 385
- 1975 DipAg 345
- 1976 DipFM 345
- DipAgSci 1967 340
- 1974 BAgrSc 276
- rugby 227
- 130 years celebration 226
- LincUp Alumni & Friends 223
- 1986 BAgrCom 184
- 1968 BAgSci 149
- 1968 BAgrSc 149
- 1969 DipVFM 144
- VFM reunion 142
- 1986 DipAg 136
- 1938-1975 75 Years of VFM 122
- 75 Years of VFM 121
- Hawkes’ Bay Reunion 121
- 1965-66 DipAg 117
- 1967 DipVFM 117
- 1999 Halls reunion 111
- Halls of Residence 111
- 1969 BAgSci Reunion 110
- 1969 BHortSci Reunion 110
- 50 year reunion 109
- Alumni Gatherings 107
- Alumni Centenary Celebrations 97
- International Alumni Medal 97
- 1978 Reunion 94
- Dig it Up Capsule 94
- 1972-1974 DipAg & VFM reunion 88
- 1986 BHortSc Reunion 88
- 30 Year on 88
- School of Landscape Architecture 87
- SoLA Reunion 87
- landscape architecture 87
- 1986 HAgrSc Reunion 83
- DipAg & VFM 1961-1963 79
- 1968 DipVFM 77
- Australian reunion 77
- 1963-65 50 Years On 76
- Canterbury reunion 75
- Dick Lucas 68
- Malaysia 68
- Wellington Reunion 68
- Colombo Plan Reunion 66
- 1965-66 DipHort 65
- 1968 BAgrSc reunion 65
- Dunedin Reunion 63
- Kuching 62
- 1998 Halls Reunion 61
- Auckland reunion 61
- Lincoln College 61
- halls of residence 61
- South Canterbury 60
- 1968 Cricket Team 59
- Wahine Disaster 58
- Wahine survivors 58
- Tauranga Reunion 52
- Reunion Melbourne 49
- 1966 BAgSci 43
- 1977 BAgCom 43
- 1958 BAgrSc Reunion 42
- 1958 College days 41
- Napier gatherings 41
- 1980 BComAg Reunion 40
- campus kids 40
- Bledisloe Medal 38
- Lincoln University Medal 38
- awards 38
- celebrations 38
- ceremonies 38
- medallists' lunch 38
- 1959 BAgrSc reunion 36
- Kuala Lumpur 34
- 1981 Rugby Reunion 33
- 1981 BAgrCom 31
- 1973 VFM reunion 28
- 50 Years On Reunion 27
- Wellington reunion 27
- 1945s Reunion 26
- Sydney 22
- Kuala Lumpur reunion 21
- Alumni Dinner 20
- Singapore 20
- Melbourne branch 19
- Sydney branch 19
- Tasmania 17
- Waitangi Event 17
- Hawke's Bay Reunion 15
- Southland Branch 15
- London reunion 13
- 1961 Intensive 11
- 1962 VFM 11
- Colombo Plan Reunion 10
- Singapore reunion 10
- 1960-61 Diploma 9
- Launceston 7
- 1957 First Fifteen 6
- 1957 Rugby Reunion 6
- Ivey Hall 6
- Pakistan 6
- 1986 BAgrSc Reunion 5
- 1958 reunion 4
- 2013 Rugby Reunion 4
- Cairns reunion 4
- 1935 DipAg 3
- 1957 3
- 1962-63 DipAg 3
- Australia 3
- Diploma of Horticulture 3
- Fiji Reunion 3
- Rural Field Cadet (RFC) 3
- 1957 BAgrSc 2
- 1957 VFM 2
- 1958-59 DipAg 2
- 1999 Halls Reunion 2
- Christchurch Cathedral Square 2
- Christchurch City 2
- H2O Sculpture 2
- Hudson Hall 2
- Lincoln University 2
- Memorial Hall 2
- Perth reunion 2
- Sarawak 2
- alumni events 2
- circular garden 2
- class photograph 2
- college students 2
- Alumni Association 1
- 1935 rugby first fifteen 1
- 1955-56 BAgrSc 1
- 1960 VFM reunion 1
- 1961-61 Diploma 1
- 1961-62 Diploma 1
- 1968 Cricket First Eleven Lincoln College 1
- 1969 Degree students 1
- 1969 Diploma students 1
- 1981 Rugby team 1
- 1986 reunion 1
- 2012 Reunion 1
- 25 year VFM Reunion 1
- Barbados 1
- Branch reunions 1
- Burns Building 1
- Canterbury Agricultural College 1
- George Forbes Building 1
- Gillespie Hall 1
- Guatemala 1
- Hilgendorf Wing 1
- Ivor Batchelor 1
- Melbourne 1
- Papua New Guinea 1
- Perth Reunion 1
- Refectory Building 1
- Students' Association Executive 1
- The Lodge 1
- The Wahines 1
- Wahine Survivors 1
- ballet 1
- group photos 1
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- Hanif Quazi 8
- Neil Gow 7
- Tom Lambie 7
- Earl Bennett 6
- R. H. M. Langer 6
- Bridget Murdoch 5
- Graham Densem 5
- J. G. H. White 5
- Jacky Bowring 5
- Margaret Kit Yok Chan 5
- Simon Swaffield 5
- Val Kirby 5
- Alan Titchener 4
- Ari Mvsivagnanam 4
- Dick Lucas (R. J. Lucas) 4
- Jan Woodhouse 4
- Mike Barthelmeh 4
- Neil Challenger 4
- Peter Rough 4
- Rachel de Lambert 4
- Ross Jackson 4
- Sarah Collins 4
- Wade Robertson 4
- Robert Watson 3
- Sara Gerard 3
- Alistair Campbell 3
- Aripen Ampong 3
- B. J. Ross 3
- Barry Knox 3
- Bernard Albert Roy Card 3
- Bernard Howard 3
- Bron Bennetts 3
- Chin Seng Yeo 3
- Clive Anstey 3
- Dennis Scott 3
- Des McSweeney 3
- Dick Lucas 3
- Don Miskell 3
- Frank Boffa 3
- Julia Williams 3
- Malcom Campbell 3
- Margaret Lucas 3
- Mike Dunbier 3
- Nicola Henderson 3
- Roger Field 3
- Roger Gabb 3
- Sean Dixon 3
- Shannon Davis 3
- Shona McCahon 3
- Tracey Ower 3
- Abigail Yee 2
- Alan Donal Sewell 2
- Alister Spain 2
- Andrew Brunton Harris 2
- Andrew West 2
- Barry Alexander Brook 2
- Barry John Croucher 2
- Barry Noel Holdaway 2
- Barry Welsh 2
- Boyden Evans 2
- Bruce Douglas 2
- Bruce McKenzie 2
- Bruce Ross 2
- Chris Glasson 2
- Chris McLeod 2
- D. B. McSweeney 2
- David Askin 2
- David Chapman 2
- David McCall 2
- David McKenzie 2
- Diane Gabb 2
- Don Mcfarlane 2
- Donald Arthur Prouting 2
- Frank Scrimgeour 2
- Gary Waghorn 2
- Geoffrey S. Moore 2
- Gerard Scott 2
- Guy Scholefield 2
- H. H. Deans 2
- Hirini Matunga 2
- Hugh Lusk 2
- Ian Jackson 2
- J. D. Stewart 2
- J. M. Keoghan 2
- Jack Simpson 2
- James Sinclair Veitch 2
- Jan Hayward 2
- Jenny Ritchie (Wright) 2
- Jill Gardiner 2
- Jim Malcom 2
- John Dunbar 2
- John Keoghan 2
- John McKerchar 2
- Larry Mouat 2
- Maria Ignatieva 2
- Martin Conway 2
- Marvin Pangborn 2
- Michael Mulcahy 2
- Muhammad Cheema 2
- Murray Raymond Ellis 2
- Ngenang Jangu 2
- Ossie Fallow 2
- Pat Campbell 2
- Paul Lysaght 2
- Paul davey 2
- Paula Smith 2
- Peter Bonifacio 2
- R. J. Rutherford 2
- Rene Weterings 2
- Rob Phillips 2
- Robert Latimer 2
- Roy Montgomery 2
- Selwyn Manning 2
- Shona Mardle 2
- Stephen Drakeford 2
- Stewart Lamb 2
- Stuart Bruce 2
- T. W. Walker 2
- Tom Horner 2
- Tony Petch 2
- Trevor John Walton 2
- Vincent Bidwell 2
- A. G. Johnson 1
- A. J. Cropp 1
- A. J. Smales 1
- A. M. Millson 1
- Aaron Pemberton 1
- Abby Watts 1
- Albie Anderson 1
- Alex Smith 1
- Alison Waghorn 1
- Allan Billborough 1
- Alyssa McDougall 1
- Amy Hewett 1
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- Andy Welch 1
- Anisha Thomas 1
- Anna Spittle 1
- Annabel Harris 1
- Annabelle Hasselman 1
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- Anne Cotton 1
- Anne Lucas (nee Hudson) 1
- Anne McLean 1
- Aripen Ampong 1
- B. K. Neilson 1
- B. M. Niederer 1
- Barbara Scott 1
- Barry Brooks 1
- Basil Parkes 1
- Bert Eastoe 1
- Bill McKellar 1
- Blair Catching 1
- Bob Chetwin 1
- Brendan Powell 1
- Brent Davies 1
- Bret Aitkenhead 1
- Brian Fechney 1
- Brian Hamilton 1
- Brian Patchett 1
- Bruce Deans 1
- Bruce Hay 1
- Bruce Kidd 1
- Bruce Thom 1
- Bruce W. Todd 1
- Bryn Catching 1
- C. O. Howie 1
- Carolyn Brown 1
- Chris Harris 1
- Chris Hewett 1
- Chris Lee 1
- Claire Wilkie 1
- Craig Pullar 1
- D. B. Lawson 1
- D. B. Todd 1
- D. D. Webster 1
- D. J. Nichols 1
- D. R. Wilkie 1
- Dale Palmer 1
- Dave Hamilton 1
- Dave White 1
- Davinia Leipst 1
- Dawn Maclean 1
- Derrick Moot 1
- Diane Pemberton 1
- Dick Shrimpton 1
- Digger McCullough 1
- Don Gillanders 1
- Doug Crombie 1
- Duncan Mclane 1
- E. J. Williams 1
- E. K. Johnson 1
- Ed Wilkie 1
- Elizabeth Cruickshank 1
- Elliot Scott 1
- Emma Todd 1
- Eoin Ritche 1
- Erica Gilchrist 1
- F. G. Ulrich 1
- Fiona Pahl 1
- Fraser Wilson 1
- Fritha Linklater 1
- G. D. McNaughton 1
- G. J. McKay 1
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- Gareth Isbister 1
- Geoff Pridham 1
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- George Gerard 1
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- H. B. Hay 1
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- Hannah Ayres 1
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- I. E. Coop 1
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- Ian Tait 1
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- J. H. Stone 1
- J. M. Chetwin 1
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- W. W. Simmers 1
- Warwick Duckworth Guild 1
- Warwick John Hartstone 1
- Wayne Allan 1
- Wendy McCaskill (Stewart) 1
- Wes Brown 1
- William Fulton 1
- Yee Chow Boi 1
- Zara Crutchley 1
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