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- Document91
- Image180
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- Bledisloe Medal 180
- Lincoln University Alumni Association 81
- Alumni International Medal 43
- Alumni Medallist's Lunch 43
- alumni events 43
- graduation lunch 43
- awards 39
- Alumni Reunion 38
- Lincoln University Medal 38
- celebrations 38
- ceremonies 38
- medallists' lunch 38
- Jeff Grant 34
- Tuesday Lunch Club 34
- graduation ceremony 12
- Penelope Ellen (Penny) Nelson 9
- College staff 6
- portrait 5
- Blackmore Negatives 3
- Canterbury 3
- Canterbury Agricultural College 3
- College students 3
- Lincoln University 3
- Refectory Building 3
- agricultural education 3
- agricultural training 3
- agriculture 3
- Bruce Ross 2
- CAC Old Students' Association 2
- Timaru Boys' High School 2
- staff portrait 2
- Ashley Dene 1
- Christchurch Boys' High School 1
- Christchurch Technical College 1
- Gill Ross 1
- Gold Medallist 1
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- Queen's New Year Honours 1
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- Terry Heiler 14
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- Margaret J. Evans 5
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- Bevan Whitty 4
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- Jenny Nicol 4
- Eric R. Hudson 3
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- Errol Costello 2
- G. H. Holford 2
- J. D. Stewart 2
- Jock Ellison 2
- Kate Gow 2
- Lady Stewart 2
- Lois Bellingham 2
- Nick Brown 2
- Penny Curran 2
- R. H. Bevin 2
- Robert Johnson 2
- Rod Plank 2
- Viscount Bledisloe 2
- A. B. Moore 1
- A. Brisoce Moore 1
- A. H. Flay 1
- A. T. Carroll 1
- Albert H. Flay 1
- B. K. C. Cameron 1
- Bruce Ross 1
- Bruce Scoggins 1
- E. H. Beamish 1
- G. P. Brown 1
- H. J. Andrew 1
- Ian Donald. 1
- J. A. Bell 1
- J. Bruce Brown 1
- J. W. Calder 1
- Jock Allison 1
- L. T. Evans 1
- Mike Dunbier 1
- N. P. Neal 1
- Neil Taylor 1
- P. G. Stevens 1
- P. W. Smallfield 1
- R. J. Lloyd Hammond 1
- R. J. Low 1
- R. Thaine 1
- S. Robinson 1
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