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- Image859
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- Dining Hall 859
- Refectory Building 567
- Canterbury earthquakes 431
- Lincoln University Students Association 218
- Blues, Golds and Greens Awards 217
- Te Kete Ika 204
- deconstruction 201
- redevelopment 201
- Lincoln University 137
- cultural awards 137
- sporting awards 136
- Refectory 44
- Food and Function Centre 2
- Lincoln University campus 2
- 1968 Cricket Team 1
- Blackmore Negatives 1
- Canterbury 1
- Canterbury Agricultural College 1
- Ivey Hall 1
- McCaskill Building 1
- Memorial Hall 1
- Natalia Sydorenko 1
- agricultural education 1
- agricultural training 1
- agriculture 1
- campus buildings 1
- workshops 1
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- Roger Field 21
- Ivy Harper 10
- Tom Lambie 9
- Kendra Cocksedge 4
- Jessica Drummond 3
- Kat Taylor 3
- Samuel Whitelock 3
- Devon van Til 2
- Hannah Presswood 2
- Harriet Somerville 2
- Jane Watson 2
- Olivia Merry 2
- Paula Charmley 2
- Todd Astle 2
- Zoe McCormack 2
- Ben Harris 1
- Dale Harrop 1
- Dessy Aliandrina 1
- Errol J. Costello 1
- George Enersen 1
- Grace Duyndham 1
- Hamish Beaven 1
- Jane Edwards 1
- Jeff Case 1
- Jess Bygate 1
- Jesse Bright 1
- Khan Underwood 1
- Lynne Robertson 1
- Michael Cooke 1
- Monique Wilson 1
- Neil Gow 1
- Olivia Bird 1
- Peter Jordan 1
- Rebecca Gibson 1
- Rebecca Lough 1
- Richard Reid 1
- Robbie Fruean 1
- Sam Miles 1
- Sheelagh Matear 1
- Tessa Hopkinson 1
- W. A. Johnston 1
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