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- Artwork81
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- Untitled 4
- 315 Montreal Street 1
- A Peer Group 1
- Academia 1
- Aldebaran Vacation 1
- All this preparation it's all so unnecessary - or is it? / Is it worth all the trouble? 1
- Blob Out 1
- Blue Fencer 1
- Caminito VIII 1
- Captain Charles Hazlitt Upham VC & Bar 1
- Circle Road 1
- Coding 1
- Coming Home 1
- Conversation 1
- Dr M. M. Burns; Principal 1952 - 1974 1
- Drawing of Fortuna 1
- Drying Skins 1
- E. R. Hudson 1
- Exactitude 1
- Fa 'aluma 1
- Face Study II 1
- Facing this Way 1
- Figures of Speech (Empty Words) 1
- Fishing 1
- Frank Wood; Vice-Chancellor (1998 - 2003) 1
- Get Knotted 1
- He Tohu Whakamakarataka kia Dr John Aldred Hayward 1
- Head 1
- Hill Country Sheep Scene 1
- Hip 1
- Hon E C J Stevens; Chairman Board of Governors (1899 - 1915) 1
- Hongi at Tolaga Bay 1769 1
- Hop 1
- Hope with Wings 1
- In the Evening 1
- In the Far South 1
- Joy of Living 1
- Kaitiaki Figure 1
- Ko Te Hongi III 1
- Ladies a Plate 1
- Large Lyttelton I (Figure Against Landscape) 1
- Life Force 1
- Lincoln College Mural 1
- Manuka and a Moment's Memory 1
- Mockba Good Seats at the Bolshoi Theatre 1
- Mother and Child 1
- Oversight 1
- Pediment 1
- Prof Bruce Ross Vice Chancellor 1984-1996 1
- Professor Sir James Stewart; Principal 1974 - 1983 1
- Project to promote Flemish carpet weaving 1
- Pōtiki 1
- Red Cross 1
- Roger Field; Vice-Chancellor (2004-2012) 1
- Sandes Street, Thames 1
- Scratch 1
- Self portrait leaning on a stone sill 1
- Sleep 1
- Slothfool 1
- Standing Figure 1
- Still Māori and Comely 1
- Stoking the Copper 1
- Summer Evening; Spring Creek Farm, Marlborough 1
- Talking All That Jazz 1
- Tangata Whenua 1
- That Eye the Sky 1
- The Call of the Urewera 1
- The Cypress Garden 1
- The Golden Age 1
- The Lord's Century 1
- The Narrow Space Between Two Voids 1
- The Past Before This Time 1
- Tika 1
- W. E. Ivey; First Director School of Agriculture at Lincoln (1878 - 1892) 1
- Wallspace 1
- Warlords 1
- Who Knows the Way? 1
- William Lowrie; Third Director at Canterbury Agricultural College (1901-1908) 1
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- Hammond, Bill 4
- Armstrong, Michael 3
- Cleavin, Barry 3
- Kahukiwa, Robyn 3
- Mangin, Eric 3
- Sutton, William 3
- Brown, Nigel 2
- Hanly, Patrick 2
- Moffitt, Trevor 2
- Summers, Llew 2
- Angelo, Maurice 1
- Antino, G P 1
- Bennett, Graham 1
- Braithwaite, Joanna 1
- Braunias, Mark 1
- Bullmore, Edward 1
- Burns, Ruth A 1
- Cambridge, A B 1
- Chilvers, Robert 1
- Clouston, Robert S 1
- Coley, John 1
- Copland, Denise 1
- Cotton, Shane 1
- Crawford, John 1
- Crook, Gordon 1
- Doležel, Jenny 1
- Edwards, George Vincent 1
- Feu'u, Fatu 1
- Fomison, Tony 1
- Ford, John Bevan 1
- Forster, Gayle 1
- France, Patricia 1
- Frizzell, Dick 1
- Harris, Jeffrey 1
- Hope, Sally 1
- Howard, Stuart 1
- Hudson, E. R. 1
- Ireland, Peter 1
- James, Linda 1
- Jenkinson, Megan 1
- Kahukiwa, Robyn 1
- Kellar, Ian 1
- Kreisler, Tom 1
- MacLeod, Euan 1
- Maguire, Marian 1
- McAra, Don 1
- McArthur, Piera 1
- Nicoll, Archibald F 1
- Notebaert, Marcel 1
- Pule, John 1
- Reddaway, Richard 1
- Rembrandt 1
- Stevens, Eion 1
- Stringer, Terry 1
- Summers, Llewellyn 1
- Te Ao, Shannon 1
- Thomson, Sandra 1
- Tomkins, Riduan 1
- Tricker, Gary 1
- Trusttum, Philip 1
- Van Rangelrooy, Bianca 1
- West, Felicity 1
- Zusters, Jane 1
- ffrench, Di 1
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