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- Artwork1
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- Image312
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- Ivey Hall 315
- redevelopment 43
- Canterbury Agricultural College 40
- Lincoln University campus 35
- courtyard 27
- Library Courtyard 26
- Ruth Burns Court 26
- SoLA 26
- landscape design 26
- Memorial Hall 23
- Lincoln campus 20
- campus buildings 15
- Lincoln College 12
- educational facilities 12
- circular garden 10
- Library 9
- Lincoln University 9
- sundial 9
- Historical photographs 8
- Blackmore Negatives 7
- Canterbury 7
- Director's residence 7
- agricultural education 7
- agricultural training 7
- agriculture 7
- staff accommodation 7
- Alumni Reunion 6
- T120 Transparencies 6
- graduation ceremony 5
- Lincoln University Museum 4
- aerial photos 4
- campus view 4
- sheep 4
- Bruce Ryde 3
- Bruce Ryde Photo Album 3
- George Forbes Memorial Library 3
- Hilgendorf Building 3
- Rural Field Cadet (RFC) 3
- Ruth A. Burns 3
- School of Agriculture 3
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- 1960 2
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- Canterbury earthquakes 2
- East wing 2
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- George Forbes Building 2
- Hudson Hall 2
- Lincoln Campus view 2
- Refectory Building 2
- Richard Bevin's slides 2
- The Monkey Puzzle 2
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- chimneys 2
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- pictorial history 2
- roses 2
- staff and students 2
- windmill 2
- rose 1
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- 's garden 1
- 1958 College days 1
- 1969 BAgrSc 1
- 1969 BHortSc 1
- 2013 Community Day 1
- Agricultural practice 1
- Ainslie Dewe 1
- Basil Francis 1
- Blakely 1
- Bledisloe Medal 1
- Bruce Ross 1
- Buggy 1
- CAC 1
- Campus buildings 1
- Colombo Plan 1
- Dining Hall 1
- E. C. J. Stevens 1
- Geoffrey Palmer 1
- H2O Sculpture 1
- History of New Zealand agriculture 1
- Homestead Building 1
- Ivey Rose 1
- Jeff Grant 1
- Land Girls 1
- Library, Teaching and Learning 1
- Lincoln College School of Agriculture 1
- Lincoln University campus buildings 1
- Monkey Puzzle Tree 1
- New Zealand agriculture 1
- R. E. Alexander 1
- Refectory 1
- Ross Building 1
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- Teaching Slides 1
- The Annual Farmers' Day 1
- The Lodge 1
- Tuesday Lunch Club 1
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- A. S. Dale 2
- B. J. Ross 2
- Bidur Kumar Thapa 2
- D. G. Dakshindas 2
- M. E. Perera 2
- Mohamad Mahfoedi 2
- Sek Pan Chee 2
- Widodo Hargo Hartono 2
- A. B. Moore 1
- A. T. Somerville 1
- Ainslie Dewe 1
- Alex Taylor 1
- Clement Wreford-Reed 1
- Frank Kearns outside Ivey Hall 1
- Frederick William Hilgendorf 1
- G. Gray 1
- George Gray 1
- J. Carroll 1
- L. B. Scott 1
- Robert E. Alexander 1
- William O. Street 1
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