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- Artwork17
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- A Network of Blockages 1
- Amuri Bluff, Kaikoura Coast 1
- Cassino Railway Station Feb 17th 1944 1
- Dr M. M. Burns; Principal 1952 - 1974 1
- E. R. Hudson 1
- Frank Wood; Vice-Chancellor (1998 - 2003) 1
- From Racecourse Hill Looking Toward Mt Hutt 1
- He Tohu Whakamakarataka kia Dr John Aldred Hayward 1
- Hon E C J Stevens; Chairman Board of Governors (1899 - 1915) 1
- Monte Cassino Feb 15th 1944 1
- Mount Grand, in memory of Gordon Meikle 1
- Plain Song, Duality - For the Colour Gold 1
- Prof Bruce Ross Vice Chancellor 1984-1996 1
- Professor Sir James Stewart; Principal 1974 - 1983 1
- W. E. Ivey; First Director School of Agriculture at Lincoln (1878 - 1892) 1
- Who Knows the Way? 1
- William Lowrie; Third Director at Canterbury Agricultural College (1901-1908) 1
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