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When you are looking for specific items of interest, use the search tools; enter keywords in the basic search on the landing page or in the header, or the Search page where you can enter keywords and define search parameters.
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- Artwork54
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- A Peaceful Morning - Lake Alexandrina 1
- Afternoon Sun 1
- Akeake 1
- Amuri Bluff, Kaikoura Coast 1
- Braided River 1
- By the Cleddau River, Milford 1
- Castle Hill 1
- Cloud Landscape - Central Otago 2 1
- Creek, Punga and Cloud Karamatura 1
- Fishing 1
- Floating World VII 1
- Four Peaks from Geraldine Downs 1
- From Racecourse Hill Looking Toward Mt Hutt 1
- Godwits; Farewell Spit 1
- Guardians of the Coast 1
- Hill Country Sheep Scene 1
- Hill and Stream Near Kurow 1
- Kaikouras 1
- Kaniere Goldfields II 1
- Kawarau River 1
- Lake Wanaka 1
- Large Lyttelton I (Figure Against Landscape) 1
- Mesopotamia 1
- Mount Grand, in memory of Gordon Meikle 1
- Mt Tapuaenuku from the Clarence River 1
- Near Lake Coleridge 1
- Nor-Wester 1
- Pachystegia Insignis "Marlborough Daisy" 1
- Plain Song, Duality - For the Colour Gold 1
- Present-day Oparara Valley, Karamea 1
- Protection Work - Blue Night Ida Valley 1
- Protection Work - Meditation for my Fore-Mothers 1
- Reflecting on Lake Heron 1
- Rocks and Butterfly, Rakaia River 1
- Shingle Dump Near Fairlie 1
- Snowbound Cloak 1
- Study 2006 1
- Summer Evening; Spring Creek Farm, Marlborough 1
- Summer Kawarau 1
- Summer Snow - No. 2 Old Man Range 1
- Te Hono Ki Waihora 1
- Te Hono Ki Waipounamu 4 1
- Te Paepae Tapu a Rākaihautū 1
- Te Paepaetapu o Rākaihautū 1
- Te Waihora 1
- The Forks River Tekapo (from the Pukaki Highway) 1
- The Oparara Valley, Karamea, during the Holocene 2,000-10,000 years ago 1
- The Oparara Valley, Karamea, during the Otiran glaciation, 14,000 years ago 1
- The Outlet of the Okarito Lagoon, Westland 1
- The ‘Food Basket of Rakaihautu’ from Horomaka, 31 March 1991 1
- Tobacco Kiln 1
- Vue 2007 1
- Westland Ideogram 1
- Wharariki 1
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- Deans, A. Austen 4
- Greathead, Aston 4
- Morse, Pauline 3
- Parker, J.S. 3
- Webb, Marilynn 3
- Cameron, Rose 2
- Cumming, William 2
- Ford, John Bevan 2
- Mangin, Eric 2
- Warr, Malcolm 2
- Adams, Mark 1
- Adams, Richard 1
- Askew, Maurice V. 1
- Blair, Philippa 1
- Booth, Chris 1
- Brown, Elizabeth 1
- Brown, Peter 1
- Chaffey, Jan 1
- Chilvers, Robert 1
- Edwards, George 1
- Field, Tom 1
- Halliday, Brian 1
- Hope, Esther E 1
- Hyde, Ronelle 1
- Lusk, Doris R 1
- MacLaren, Colin 1
- MacLeod, Euan 1
- McAra, Don 1
- Palmer, Stanley 1
- Rivers, Hilda 1
- Seyb, Wayne 1
- Smither, Michael 1
- Sutton, William 1
- Trusttum, Philip 1
- Van Reenen, Gilbert 1
- Woollaston, M.T. 1
- de Vries, Tjalling 1
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