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- Audio17
- Collection1
- Document8
- e-Journal46
- Image1557
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- SoLA 1558
- landscape architecture 940
- conceptualisation 721
- practical design exercise 721
- experimentation 720
- vertical studio 712
- collaboration 577
- School of Landscape Architecture 478
- field tour 422
- Lincoln University 394
- field trip 354
- design study 307
- engagement 297
- student exhibition 249
- Major Design 235
- Kaitorete Spitfield trip 234
- SoLA 50th Anniversary 196
- celebrations 196
- reunions 196
- SoLA event 191
- Openings 152
- Canterbury Museum 135
- Children’s Sensory Garden 135
- construction 121
- campus buildings 119
- Art & Heritage Committee 118
- building site 118
- Christchurch Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre 72
- SoLA Event 61
- CELA Conference 55
- student work 46
- SoLA studio 37
- landscape design 30
- Ivey Hall 26
- Library Courtyard 26
- Ruth Burns Court 26
- courtyard 26
- community engagement 18
- Avon-Ōtākaro Network 17
- Christchurch Container Mall 17
- INFLUX Exhibition 17
- Dunedin 15
- class photograph 14
- student artwork 13
- landscape design studio 12
- Haiku 11
- publications 11
- SoLA students 9
- Chinese visitors 8
- campus visits 8
- overseas visitors 8
- student exhibition 8
- bee house 7
- bug hotel 7
- bug house 7
- bug motel 7
- insect house 7
- Lincoln College 5
- design competition 5
- student projects 5
- graduation ceremony 4
- Emily Mulligan 2
- Landscape architecture 2
- insect motel 2
- unnamed 2
- Avon-Ōtākaro Network 1
- Environment Society & Design (ESD) 1
- Landscape Architecture 1
- Landscape Architecture Building 1
- Landscape architecture 1
- Lincoln University campus 1
- Memorial Hall 1
- computer lab 1
- insect hotel 1
- postgraduate 1
- students and staff 1
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- Faculty / Research Centre...
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- Lincoln University 1492
- Lincoln College 22
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- International Major Design1
- New Zealand Major Design216
- News1
- Person1
- Postcard30
- Publication20
- SoLA Project539
- Video1
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- Geotags 1226
- OCR 589
- Tags/Captions 2
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