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- Audio17
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- e-Journal35
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- School of Landscape Architecture 795
- SoLA 478
- collaboration 250
- conceptualisation 250
- engagement 250
- experimentation 250
- practical design exercise 250
- vertical studio 250
- celebrations 242
- Kaitorete Spitfield trip 234
- Lincoln University 205
- Landscape Architecture Building 203
- SoLA 203
- SoLa Building opening ceremony 203
- SoLA 50th Anniversary 196
- reunions 196
- landscape architecture 88
- Alumni Reunion 87
- SoLA Reunion 87
- Art Auction 46
- LASC 40th anniversary 46
- anniversaries 46
- Kaitorete Spit 16
- field trip 16
- class photograph 13
- student artwork 13
- Chinese visitors 8
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- student work 7
- landscape design studio 6
- Lincoln College 5
- unnamed 2
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- Earl Bennett 6
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- Graham Densem 5
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- Val Kirby 5
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- Jan Woodhouse 4
- Mike Barthelmeh 4
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- Peter Rough 4
- Rachel de Lambert 4
- Sarah Collins 4
- Wade Robertson 4
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- Barry Knox 3
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- Charlie Challenger 3
- Clive Anstey 3
- Dennis Scott 3
- Don Miskell 3
- Frank Boffa 3
- Julia Williams 3
- Malcom Campbell 3
- Nicola Henderson 3
- Ross Jackson 3
- Sean Dixon 3
- Shannon Davis 3
- Shona McCahon 3
- Tracey Ower 3
- Boyden Evans 2
- Chris Glasson 2
- David McKenzie 2
- Hugh Lusk 2
- Maria Ignatieva 2
- Martin Conway 2
- Paula Smith 2
- Shona Mardle 2
- Stephen Drakeford 2
- Annabelle Hasselman 1
- Erica Gilchrist 1
- F. D. Boffa 1
- Gilchrist, Erica 1
- Hannah Ayres 1
- Jennifer Roy 1
- Jenny Roy 1
- Jonny Davis 1
- Matt Durning 1
- Mike Barthlemeh 1
- Robert Watson 1
- Sophie Gilchrist 1
- William Fulton 1
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- International Major Design1
- New Zealand Major Design255
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- SoLA Project529
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