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- Artwork1
- Collection1
- Document1
- Image375
- Keywords...
- campus buildings 375
- SoLA 119
- Art & Heritage Committee 118
- Lincoln University 118
- building site 118
- construction 118
- landscape architecture 118
- Lincoln campus 86
- Lincoln University campus 45
- Commerce Building 23
- Ross Building 22
- accommodation 19
- Ivey Hall 15
- Waimarie Building 15
- horticulture 11
- nursery 11
- Burns Building 10
- Memorial Hall 10
- Nursery 9
- educational facilities 9
- Johnstone Memorial Laboratory (JML) 8
- Stewart Building 8
- Riddolls Building 7
- science laboratory 7
- Hilgendorf Building 6
- Centennial Hall 5
- The Biological Husbandry Unit Organics Trust (BHU) 5
- McCaskill Building 4
- George Forbes Building 3
- Hilgendorf Wing 3
- Recreation Centre 3
- SoLA Building 3
- plants 3
- Educational facilities 2
- George Forbes Memorial Library 2
- Gillespie Hall 2
- Hudson Hall 2
- Landscape Architecture Building 2
- Lincoln Agritech Limited (LAL) 2
- Lincoln Ventures Limited (LVL) 2
- Nursey 2
- Te Paepaetapu o Rakaihautu 2
- Te Whare Whakakotahi 2
- Weather Vane 2
- Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) 1
- Alexander Gates 1
- Annex A 1
- Annex B 1
- Campus view 1
- Canterbury Agricultural College 1
- Dining Hall 1
- Farm Road 1
- Food and Function Centre 1
- Historical photographs 1
- Hurunui Building 1
- Ivey Hall West Wing 1
- John Burton Building 1
- LUSA 1
- Lincoln Campus view 1
- Lincoln University vineyard 1
- Matron's Wing 1
- Refectory 1
- Te Kete Ika 1
- The Lodge 1
- The Poplars 1
- YFC Memorial Hall 1
- Young Farmers' Club 1
- Young Farmers' Memorial Hall 1
- accommodation office 1
- campus garden 1
- campus view 1
- childcare centre 1
- circular garden 1
- dining hall 1
- ferns 1
- lecture theatre 1
- raindrop sculpture 1
- tractor 1
- unnamed 1
- winery 1
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- Organisation...
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- Stories2
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