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- Document47
- Image8581
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- celebrations 8581
- graduation ceremony 6593
- Lincoln University 4475
- graduation procession 1770
- graduation 1671
- Christchurch Town Hall 1357
- academic achievement 1046
- Blues and Golds Awards 789
- sporting excellence 789
- morning ceremony 518
- Service excellence 513
- Rā Whakamana 494
- 2022 270
- graduation 257
- PhD dinner 255
- School of Landscape Architecture 242
- Vice-Chancellor's Invitational PhD Dinner 216
- Lincoln University Alumni Association 214
- SoLA 196
- SoLA 50th Anniversary 196
- reunions 196
- Māori & Pacifika graduation 182
- 100 Years Anniversary 176
- LCSA 176
- LUSA 176
- Lincoln University Students' Association 176
- alumni reunions 176
- student executive 176
- students' executive 176
- Māori and Pasifika graduation ceremony 145
- hui tuku tohu 145
- PhD Dinner 137
- Telford Graduation Ceremony 129
- Lincoln University Foundation 124
- South Island Farmer of the Year 124
- Maori graduation 122
- Lincoln University Sports Scholars 113
- Chancellor's Cocktail Function 103
- Maurice Gray 92
- Rāpaki Marae 92
- Tikao Talks 92
- book launch 92
- Māori 85
- 140th anniversary 79
- rugby reunion 79
- Rugby Football Club 78
- alumni events 65
- Council members 57
- Senior Management Group (SMG) 57
- celebrating success 57
- Te Wheke 56
- 100 years rugby anniversary 46
- Art Auction 46
- LASC 40th anniversary 46
- Landscape Architecture Building 46
- SoLA 46
- SoLa Building opening ceremony 46
- anniversaries 46
- centennial anniversary 46
- centennial celebrations 46
- institutional history 46
- rugby 46
- Lincoln University Scholars 45
- Maori achievement 44
- Maori graduation 44
- Alumni Reunion 38
- Bledisloe Medal 38
- Lincoln University Medal 38
- awards 38
- ceremonies 38
- medallists' lunch 38
- Rapaki 36
- Te Wheke 36
- postgraduate 23
- Sports Scholarship 7
- Rugby Scholarship 2
- Samuel John Burr 2
- Abigail Estelle Parker O'Brien 1
- Alisha Jane Henderson 1
- Alisha Jane Henderson 1
- Amelia Grace Jean Macnab 1
- Anne Marie Goulding 1
- Cory James Elley 1
- Cricket Scholarship 1
- Football Scholarship 1
- John Tavendalae 1
- Lloyd Carpenter 1
- Netball Scholarship 1
- Netball Scholarship 1
- Ngāti Moki Trophy recipient 1
- Phoebe Jean McKinnon 1
- Richard Leslie Catherwood 1
- Rugby Football Club 1
- Shaun Thomas Coffey 1
- Sian Marie Macdonald 1
- autonomy 1
- rugby 1
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- John Penno 7
- Muhammad Cheema 6
- Tom Lambie 6
- Gilbert Nartea 4
- Frank Scrimgeour 3
- B. J. Ross 2
- Bruce Gemmell 2
- Darrell Lizamore 2
- Kenneth Msiska 2
- J. B. Tavendale 1
- Anna Liew 1
- Anne Maree Hill 1
- Belinda Whyte 1
- Ben Jolly 1
- Bevan Whitty 1
- Brad Case 1
- Brendon Malcom 1
- Bruce McKenzie 1
- Bruce Ross 1
- Catherine Lizamore 1
- Chi Nguyen 1
- Chiew-Ing Liew 1
- Chris Winefield 1
- Christopher Gan 1
- David Cohen 1
- David Green 1
- Frances Malcom 1
- Frank Scrimgeour 1
- Frederico Rivasfrancou 1
- Gordon Maxell 1
- Greg Ryan 1
- Greta Maxell 1
- Hannah Buckley 1
- Hugh Logan 1
- Innocent Kaba 1
- Innocent Rugaho 1
- Ivan Chirino Valle 1
- Jo Frew 1
- Ken Hughey 1
- Kofi Adjei-Frimpong 1
- Lise Morton 1
- Loghfei Mao 1
- Longfei Mao 1
- Mike Medlicott 1
- Mike Trought 1
- N. G. Cornelius 1
- Neil Cornelius 1
- Neil Gow 1
- Rainer Hofmann 1
- Ruth Frampton 1
- Steve Goldson 1
- Sue Worner 1
- Thomas Maxell 1
- Ugenea Morandez 1
- Verna Cirkovic 1
- Wynand Vervoerd 1
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- Geotags 336
- OCR 95
- Tags/Captions 5
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