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- Document3
- Image3762
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- graduation 3762
- graduation ceremony 3231
- celebrations 1671
- Rā Whakamana 956
- Maori graduation 828
- graduation procession 372
- Lincoln University 215
- Telford Graduation Ceremony 129
- Māori 124
- Sports Scholarship 78
- Lincoln University Sports Scholars 64
- Christchurch Town Hall 31
- PhD dinner 23
- postgraduate 23
- Māori graduation 4
- unnamed 3
- Rugby Scholarship 2
- Samuel John Burr 2
- pounamu 2
- A. J. Mitchell 1
- Alisha Jane Henderson 1
- Alisha Jane Henderson 1
- Anne Marie Goulding 1
- Canterbury Agricultural College 1
- Canterbury Agricultural College 1
- Cory James Elley 1
- Cricket Scholarship 1
- Elite Sports Scholarship 1
- Football Scholarship 1
- Ivey Hall 1
- Lincoln College 1
- Netball Scholarship 1
- Netball Scholarship 1
- Ngāti Moki Trophy 1
- Richard Leslie Catherwood 1
- Shaun Thomas Coffey 1
- The Annual Farmers' Day 1
- capping 1
- capping day 1
- capping procession 1
- cerebrations 1
- charity event 1
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- diploma winners 1
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- Tom Lambie 45
- Hirini Matunga 11
- Sharon Kautai 10
- Andrew West 9
- Peter James McBride 8
- Ivy Harper 7
- Sally McKean 7
- Darrell Lizamore 6
- Muhammad Cheema 6
- Catherine Lizamore 4
- Geoffrey S. Moore 4
- Gilbert Nartea 4
- Robin Pollard 4
- A. T. Ariell 3
- Benjamin Bellamy 3
- Bruce McKenzie 3
- Caitriona Cameron 3
- Christopher Eaden 3
- Danielle Dore 3
- Duncan Reed 3
- Edmund Cousins 3
- Edward Cranston 3
- Elise Yule 3
- Elizabeth Hayman 3
- Fergus McCool 3
- Frank Scrimgeour 3
- Fred Coughlan 3
- G. W. Gilbert 3
- Gemma Hogan 3
- George Enersen 3
- George Whitelock 3
- Haylee Nicole Moody 3
- Hayley Aburn 3
- James Schrader 3
- Kate McLaughlin 3
- Kate Stiven 3
- Mallory Goss 3
- Matthew Cunningham 3
- Mitchell Gardiner 3
- Monique Barker 3
- Nicholas Kay 3
- Samuel Gammie 3
- Samuel Whitelock 3
- Sarah Higgins 3
- Thomas Mouldey 3
- William Shillito 3
- B. B. Blackmore 2
- Craig Murray 2
- Damian Lodge 2
- E. D. Warburton 2
- E. N. Grimwade 2
- Greg Ryan 2
- J. W. T. Anstey 2
- Kenneth Msiska 2
- Linda Schappi 2
- Lyndsay Ainsworth 2
- S. Mills 2
- Sarah Doody, Deborah Paterson, Ash-Leigh Campbell 2
- T. G. Price 2
- A. H. Atack 1
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- Bernadette Mani 1
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- Chris Winefield 1
- Christopher Gan 1
- Clement Wreford-Reed 1
- Daphne P'Connell 1
- David Cohen 1
- Dayle Kerr 1
- Deborah Fitchett 1
- Deborah Paterson and Michael Atwill 1
- E. H. Beamish 1
- E. O. McDouall 1
- Eirian Jones 1
- Errol Costello 1
- F. Liversedge 1
- F. O. Schmidt 1
- F. W. Batkin 1
- Frances Malcom 1
- Frank Scrimgeour 1
- Frederico Rivasfrancou 1
- G. E. Ormond 1
- Gill Jordan 1
- Gordon Maxell 1
- Greta Maxell 1
- Hannah Buckley 1
- Hugh Bigsby 1
- Hugh Logan 1
- Innocent Kaba 1
- Innocent Rugaho 1
- Ivan Chirino Valle 1
- J. Carroll 1
- J. H. G. Lloyd 1
- J. Martin 1
- Jan Thompson 1
- Jo Frew 1
- K. C. hamilton 1
- Ken Hughey 1
- Kent Lloyd 1
- Kofi Adjei-Frimpong 1
- Kopa Lee 1
- L. B. Scott 1
- L. J. D. Mercer 1
- L. N. Haines 1
- Lise Morton 1
- Loghfei Mao 1
- Longfei Mao 1
- Margaret Jones 1
- Maria Johnson 1
- Michael Gawith 1
- Mike Trought 1
- P. H. Tressider 1
- R. Hudson 1
- R. J. Menzies 1
- R. Stuart 1
- Rainer Hofmann 1
- Ruth Frampton 1
- S. C. Childs 1
- Steve Goldson 1
- Sue Worner 1
- Thomas Maxell 1
- Ugenea Morandez 1
- Verna Cirkovic 1
- W. W. Eustace 1
- Wynand Vervoerd 1
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