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- Image5577
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- graduation ceremony 4435
- Lincoln University 3085
- celebrations 2554
- Christchurch Town Hall 1005
- Blues and Golds Awards 586
- sporting excellence 586
- academic achievement 575
- graduation procession 567
- graduation 559
- morning ceremony 438
- Service excellence 310
- Food & Fibre Awards and Networking Dinner 258
- Chancellor's Cocktail Function 216
- Māori & Pacifika graduation 167
- Rā Whakamana 167
- Conference & Event Centre 44
- corporate facilities 44
- corporate services 44
- Lincoln University Honorary Doctorate 41
- Lincoln Alumni International Medal 28
- Stephen Mark Smith 27
- Hirini Paerangi Matunga 16
- Ngati Moki Trophy 16
- Ghanashyam Gurung 15
- Robert Dougall McCallum 15
- Deborah Kennedy Gilbertson 14
- Global Science Medal 11
- Philip Hulme 11
- Lisa Choegyal 10
- Bledisloe Medal 9
- Penelope Ellen (Penny) Nelson 9
- Lincoln University Medal 8
- Stewart Building 8
- Merlins 3
- rugby 3
- James McWha 2
- Grant Edwards 1
- John Tavendalae 1
- Lloyd Carpenter 1
- Ngāti Moki Trophy recipient 1
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