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When you are looking for specific items of interest, use the search tools; enter keywords in the basic search on the landing page or in the header, or the Search page where you can enter keywords and define search parameters.
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- Album14
- Artwork295
- Name...
- Untitled 15
- Survival IV, Human Nature 4
- Academia 2
- 315 Montreal Street 1
- A Network of Blockages 1
- A Peaceful Morning - Lake Alexandrina 1
- A Peer Group 1
- A bird in the hand 1
- Afternoon Sun 1
- Akeake 1
- Aldebaran Vacation 1
- All this preparation it's all so unnecessary - or is it? / Is it worth all the trouble? 1
- Amuri Bluff, Kaikoura Coast 1
- Anatomy IX. Hokmah. 1
- Aquarium for the Lost and Found 1
- Ascent 1
- Au'au Channel, Hawai'i 1
- Autumn 1
- Autumn Sentinel 1
- Bearing 1
- Bedewed Web 1
- Beech 1
- Big Soft Stella 1
- Black Collection 1
- Black Crucifixion 1
- Blob Out 1
- Blossom Pot 1
- Blue Fencer 1
- Blue on Blue 1
- Braided River 1
- Bush Revisited 1
- By the Cleddau River, Milford 1
- Caminito VIII 1
- Captain Charles Hazlitt Upham VC & Bar 1
- Cassino Railway Station Feb 17th 1944 1
- Castle Hill 1
- Chanticleer 1
- Circle Road 1
- Clapped Cladding 1
- Climate crime 1
- Cloud Landscape - Central Otago 2 1
- Codex 18 1
- Coding 1
- College Farm Haystacks 1
- Coming Home 1
- Conversation 1
- Creek, Punga and Cloud Karamatura 1
- Cultural Collision I 1
- Dance Score #8 1
- Distinguishable 1
- Distinguishing Features 1
- Double Tower 1
- Dr M. M. Burns; Principal 1952 - 1974 1
- Drawing of Fortuna 1
- Drying Skins 1
- E. R. Hudson 1
- Edge Triptych 1
- Emerged 1
- Exactitude 1
- Fa 'aluma 1
- Face Study II 1
- Facing this Way 1
- Fale I va'a o'oe na'o le ave ave ae leai setoe fa'a fo'i mai 1
- Figures of Speech (Empty Words) 1
- Fishing 1
- Floating World VII 1
- Fluorescent Jellies 1
- Four Hearts 1
- Four Peaks from Geraldine Downs 1
- Frank Wood; Vice-Chancellor (1998 - 2003) 1
- From Racecourse Hill Looking Toward Mt Hutt 1
- From all Four Corners 1
- Frond III 1
- Gesture 1
- Get Knotted 1
- Glug 1
- Godwits; Farewell Spit 1
- Greytown Garden 1
- Guardians of the Coast 1
- H2O 1
- Hakeke 1
- Harmonics Octave 1
- He Tohu Whakamakarataka kia Dr John Aldred Hayward 1
- Head 1
- Hellenic Series I 1
- Hill Country Sheep Scene 1
- Hill Sector 1
- Hill and Stream Near Kurow 1
- Hip 1
- Home of Heroes and Sportsmen 1
- Hon E C J Stevens; Chairman Board of Governors (1899 - 1915) 1
- Hongi at Tolaga Bay 1769 1
- Hop 1
- Hope with Wings 1
- Hope-Litany Gate 1
- Horoeka 1
- Horopito 1
- Huia's Lament 1
- In the Evening 1
- In the Far South 1
- Indigenous II Pokaka 1
- It's the environment stupid 1
- Ivey Hall Reconstruction - Inside Looking North 1
- Ivey Hall Reconstruction - Inside Looking West 1
- Ivey Hall and Memorial Hall, Lincoln College 1
- Ivory Tower 1
- Iwi Tawhito o Te Moana 4 1
- Jack 1
- Jasmine 1
- Joy of Living 1
- Jug-Skin Fence 1
- Kaikouras 1
- Kaitiaki Figure 1
- Kaniere Goldfields II 1
- Kawakawa 1
- Kawarau River 1
- Ko Te Hongi III 1
- Kura 1
- Kōkako and the Saw 1
- Ladies a Plate 1
- Lake Wanaka 1
- Landscape Sign 19 Christchurch 1
- Large Lyttelton I (Figure Against Landscape) 1
- Large Wave 1
- Lattice No. 112 1
- Let's not muddy the waters here 1
- Life Force 1
- Lincoln College Mural 1
- Living Interiors No. 6 1
- Mango Pare (Hammerhead Shark Design) 1
- Manuka and a Moment's Memory 1
- Marinescape 1
- Marlborough Towards the Sounds 1
- Masina 1
- Mesopotamia 1
- Mo'o mo'o ga mole lumanai 1
- Mockba Good Seats at the Bolshoi Theatre 1
- Monte Cassino Feb 15th 1944 1
- Mother and Child 1
- Mount Grand, in memory of Gordon Meikle 1
- Mountain Study 1
- Mt Egmont 1
- Mt Tapuaenuku from the Clarence River 1
- NZ Still Life No. 3 1
- Near Lake Coleridge 1
- New York Painting - Still Life and Clouds 1
- Nomadic Geometries (Dawn) 1
- Nor-Wester 1
- Of Birds and of Feather 1
- Over Egmont 1
- Oversight 1
- Pachystegia Insignis "Marlborough Daisy" 1
- Pacific Power 1
- Patu 1
- Pauatahanui Inlet, near Wellington, during the Holocene, 2000-10000 years ago 1
- Peace Painting 1
- Pediment 1
- Plain Song, Duality - For the Colour Gold 1
- Plant Sampler 1 1
- Plant Sampler 2 1
- Plant Sampler 3 1
- Plant Sampler 7 1
- Plant Sampler 8 1
- Plant Sampler 9 1
- Plantation Series XVIII 1
- Pohutukawa Soul 1
- Pouākai 1
- Present-day Oparara Valley, Karamea 1
- Prof Bruce Ross Vice Chancellor 1984-1996 1
- Professor Sir James Stewart; Principal 1974 - 1983 1
- Project to promote Flemish carpet weaving 1
- Protection Work - Blue Night Ida Valley 1
- Protection Work - Meditation for my Fore-Mothers 1
- Pōtiki 1
- Reclaiming the Illusion 1
- Red Beech 1
- Red Cross 1
- Reflecting on Lake Heron 1
- Rocks and Butterfly, Rakaia River 1
- Roger Field; Vice-Chancellor (2004-2012) 1
- Sandes Street, Thames 1
- Scratch 1
- Sea Bridge 1
- Self portrait leaning on a stone sill 1
- Shingle Dump Near Fairlie 1
- Silver Whale Shadows 1
- Singer Songwriter III 1
- Sleep 1
- Slothfool 1
- Snowbound Cloak 1
- Spatial Modulation Series Landscape 1 1
- Standing Figure 1
- Still Life 1
- Still Life with Malevich 1
- Still Māori and Comely 1
- Stoking the Copper 1
- Stream 1
- Study 2006 1
- Summer Evening; Spring Creek Farm, Marlborough 1
- Summer Kawarau 1
- Summer Snow - No. 2 Old Man Range 1
- Summer Variations IV 1
- Talking All That Jazz 1
- Tangata Whenua 1
- Taravao 1
- Te Awhi Ki Ruahine 1
- Te Hono Ki Waihora 1
- Te Hono Ki Waipounamu 4 1
- Te Korowai a Kahukura 1
- Te Paepae Tapu a Rākaihautū 1
- Te Paepaetapu o Rākaihautū 1
- Te Punga o Te Waka o Aoraki 1
- Te Ra Tu Ao 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1
- Te Waihora 1
- Te Waka o Aoraki 1
- That Eye the Sky 1
- The Bosom of Abraham 1
- The Call of the Urewera 1
- The Cock Crowed 1
- The Cypress Garden 1
- The Forks River Tekapo (from the Pukaki Highway) 1
- The Golden Age 1
- The Kaipara Plane 1
- The Lord's Century 1
- The Narrow Space Between Two Voids 1
- The Old Stables 1
- The Old Stables, Farm Road, Lincoln College 1
- The Oparara Valley, Karamea, during the Holocene 2,000-10,000 years ago 1
- The Oparara Valley, Karamea, during the Otiran glaciation, 14,000 years ago 1
- The Outlet of the Okarito Lagoon, Westland 1
- The Painted Zoo I 1
- The Past Before This Time 1
- The Tide was Out; The Beach Deserted; Lazily Flopped the Warm Sea 1
- The Tree 1
- The Unanswered Question 1
- The ‘Food Basket of Rakaihautu’ from Horomaka, 31 March 1991 1
- This is a weeping song 1
- Tika 1
- Tobacco Kiln 1
- Today's unlikely events will be tomorrow's reality 1
- Tolu fa'a tolufe i kalvalia 1
- Toot if you love the ocean 1
- Trick or Treat 1
- Trumpeter 1
- Twin Kingdoms 1
- Two Great Sharks 1
- Under a Night Sky. Composition with Tunariki, Branches and Voids. 1
- Untitled 1
- Untitled 24-17 1
- Victor and Vanquished 1
- Vue 2007 1
- W. E. Ivey; First Director School of Agriculture at Lincoln (1878 - 1892) 1
- Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunberg) A. de Candolle 1
- Wall Setting 1
- Wallspace 1
- Warlords 1
- Watchdog I 1
- Watchdog II 1
- Water feature 1
- Westland Ideogram 1
- Whakaata ki waho 1
- Wharariki 1
- Whispers of the Past 1
- Who Knows the Way? 1
- William Lowrie; Third Director at Canterbury Agricultural College (1901-1908) 1
- Window Acting as a Vase 1
- You are entering uncharted waters 1
- to seed 1
Show More - Creator...
- Mangin, Eric 11
- Hailstone, Max 9
- Copland, Denise 6
- Lafaiki Twiss, Cora-Allan 6
- Reynolds, John 6
- Cleavin, Barry 5
- Ford, John Bevan 5
- Hammond, Bill 5
- Sutton, William 5
- de Vries, Tjalling 5
- Deans, A. Austen 4
- Greathead, Aston 4
- Morse, Pauline 4
- Armstrong, Michael 3
- Blair, Philippa 3
- Braithwaite, Joanna 3
- Cameron, Rose 3
- Kahukiwa, Robyn 3
- Lander, Mark 3
- Ogier, Jo 3
- Parker, J.S. 3
- Sydow, Carl 3
- Tuffery, Michel 3
- Webb, Marilynn 3
- Angelo, Maurie 2
- Brown, Nigel 2
- Chaytor, Susan 2
- Collins, Gary 2
- Crook, Gordon 2
- Cumming, William 2
- Drawbridge, John 2
- Edwards, George 2
- Feu'u, Fatu 2
- Field, Tom 2
- Forster, Gayle 2
- Frizzell, Dick 2
- Hanly, Patrick 2
- Hudson, E. R. 2
- Hutchinson, Lonnie 2
- Jenkinson, Megan 2
- Keith Morant 2
- Moffitt, Trevor 2
- Morison, Julia 2
- Palmer, Stanley 2
- Seyb, Wayne 2
- Smither, Michael 2
- Stevens, Eion 2
- Summers, Llew 2
- Trusttum, Philip 2
- Unger, Pat 2
- Unknown 2
- Warr, Malcolm 2
- Wheeler, Colin V 2
- Adams, Mark 1
- Adams, Richard 1
- Albrecht, Gretchen 1
- Alecto Historical Editions Ltd (Publisher) 1
- Angelo, Maurice 1
- Antino, G P 1
- Artist unknown 1
- Ashken, Tanya 1
- Askew, Maurice V. 1
- Banbury, Grant 1
- Bennett, Graham 1
- Bensemann, Leo 1
- Binney, Don 1
- Blair (Hutchison), Philippa 1
- Blair,Philippa 1
- Blumhardt, Doreen 1
- Booth, Chris 1
- Brady, David 1
- Braunias, Mark 1
- Brown, Elizabeth 1
- Brown, Peter 1
- Bullmore, Edward 1
- Burnett, Tom 1
- Burns, Ruth A 1
- Cambridge, A B 1
- Chaffey, Jan 1
- Chilcott, Gavin 1
- Chilvers, Robert 1
- Chisholm, J. S. 1
- Clairmont, Philip 1
- Clouston, Robert S 1
- Coley, John 1
- Cotton, Shane 1
- Cowie, Piri 1
- Crawford, John 1
- Darragh, Judy 1
- Dawe, Bing 1
- Dawson, Neil 1
- Doidge, Malcolm 1
- Doležel, Jenny 1
- Edwards, George Vincent 1
- Elliot, Margaret Anne 1
- Emma Stewart 1
- Fomison, Tony 1
- Fountain, Anne 1
- France, Patricia 1
- Frazer, Neil 1
- Gimblett, Max 1
- Green, Ayesha 1
- Guild, Amelia 1
- Gunn, Fiona 1
- Halliday, Brian 1
- Harris, Jeffrey 1
- Hartill, Brenda 1
- Hegan, Campbell 1
- Henderson, Louise 1
- Hope, Esther E 1
- Hope, Sally 1
- Howard, Stuart 1
- Hudson, Eric 1
- Hyde, Ronelle 1
- Hyder, Jane 1
- Hyder, Jane 1
- Ireland, Peter 1
- James, Linda 1
- Jennings, Raymond 1
- Kaan, Simon 1
- Kahukiwa, Robyn 1
- Karaka, Emily 1
- Kellar, Ian 1
- Killeen, Richard 1
- Kreisler, Tom 1
- Laird, Paul 1
- Lucas, Cheryl 1
- Lusk, Doris R 1
- MacLaren, Colin 1
- MacLeod, Euan 1
- Macfarlane, Quentin 1
- Maguire, Marian 1
- Mayo, Eileen 1
- McAra, Don 1
- McArthur, Piera 1
- Mountfort, Vivienne,Manuel, Riki 1
- Neil, Doug 1
- Nicoll, Archibald F 1
- Notebaert, Marcel 1
- O'Sullivan, Phillip 1
- Parekowhai, Michael 1
- Peter, Juliet 1
- Pick, Séraphine 1
- Popovici, Cristina 1
- Pule, John 1
- Pōtiki Bryant, Louise 1
- Reddaway, Richard 1
- Reed, Michael 1
- Reid, Ben 1
- Rembrandt 1
- Reynolds. John 1
- Rivers, Hilda 1
- Robinson, Peter 1
- Ryde, Alison 1
- Scott, Ian 1
- Simpson, Jenny 1
- Smither, Michael D 1
- Stevens, Elizabeth 1
- Stringer, Terry 1
- Summers, Llewellyn 1
- Swanson, Zina 1
- Taylor, Robert 1
- Te Ao, Shannon 1
- Thompson, Josh 1
- Thomson, Sandra 1
- Tomkins, Riduan 1
- Tricker, Gary 1
- Tuffery, Sheyne 1
- Van Rangelrooy, Bianca 1
- Van Reenen, Gilbert 1
- Vance, Matthew 1
- Walters, Gordon 1
- West, Felicity 1
- Wheeler, Colin 1
- Wheeler, Pete 1
- Wong, Sing Tai 1
- Woods, Barry 1
- Woollaston, M.T. 1
- Wright, Gail 1
- Zusters, Jane 1
- ffrench, Di 1
Show More
- Name...
- Audio26
- Class Photograph Collection1
- Collection500
- Dataset1565
- Document1718
- e-Journal236
- Image42916
- Keywords...
- graduation ceremony 11335
- celebrations 8581
- Lincoln University 7601
- Alumni Reunion 5504
- graduation 3762
- Lincoln University Alumni Association 2947
- Roy Edwards Collection 2676
- graduation procession 2076
- Canterbury earthquakes 2067
- Christchurch Town Hall 1631
- Rā Whakamana 1609
- SoLA 1558
- class photograph 1406
- Hilgendorf Building 1342
- Sports Scholarship 1285
- landscape architecture 1175
- redevelopment 1132
- Blues and Golds Awards 1099
- sporting excellence 1099
- academic achievement 1046
- Maori graduation 1027
- alumni reunions 884
- Dining Hall 859
- deconstruction 859
- Service excellence 823
- School of Landscape Architecture 795
- experimentation 739
- conceptualisation 737
- practical design exercise 737
- vertical studio 728
- field trip 635
- Refectory Building 607
- collaboration 593
- Lincoln College 588
- LincUp Alumni & Friends 586
- Canterbury Agricultural College 582
- Branch Gatherings 579
- native plant habitat 552
- rugby 551
- morning ceremony 518
- Food & Fibre Awards and Networking Dinner 511
- field tour 500
- unnamed 490
- Future Leader Scholarship 488
- Lincoln University Students Association 479
- Blues, Golds and Greens Awards 475
- Ivey Hall redevelopment 411
- Vice-Chancellor's Invitational PhD Dinner 395
- campus buildings 377
- Wine Science 376
- Viticulture & Oenology 375
- Māori & Pacifika graduation 349
- Historical photographs 348
- PhD dinner 348
- 1975 DipAg 345
- 1976 DipFM 345
- DipAgSci 1967 340
- Ivey Hall 315
- engagement 313
- agriculture 311
- design study 308
- SoLA 294
- open day 288
- 1974 BAgrSc 277
- 2022 270
- reunions 267
- graduation 261
- Blackmore Negatives 258
- Canterbury 258
- agricultural education 258
- agricultural training 256
- magnolia 251
- student exhibition 251
- Hilgendorf Building 250
- Major Design 235
- Kaitorete Spitfield trip 234
- Lincoln University Museum 230
- 130 years celebration 226
- Lincoln campus 222
- construction 219
- Valuation and Farm Management (VFM) 217
- special awards 217
- Chancellor's Cocktail Function 216
- Landscape Architecture Building 211
- student social space 209
- 1967 DipVFM 205
- Auckland reunion 205
- Te Kete Ika 204
- SoLa Building opening ceremony 203
- certificate 198
- SoLA 50th Anniversary 196
- SoLA event 191
- 1986 BAgrCom 184
- A & P Show Award 181
- Bledisloe Medal 180
- LUSA 179
- Lincoln University Students' Association 179
- Anzac Day 178
- student executive 178
- memorial service 177
- 100 Years Anniversary 176
- LCSA 176
- students' executive 176
- Memorial Hall 175
- State of the Nation's Environment Address 169
- plant 168
- horticulture 166
- School of Agriculture 165
- botanical specimens 165
- botany 165
- botany collections 165
- herbarium 165
- plant identification 165
- preserved plant specimens 165
- specimen preservation 165
- alumni events 158
- celebration 157
- Alumni reunion 156
- T120 Transparencies 156
- 1969 DipVFM 155
- aerial photos 153
- Openings 152
- 1986 DipAg 151
- 1968 BAgSci 150
- College students 150
- 1968 BAgrSc 149
- Maori achievement 145
- Māori and Pasifika graduation ceremony 145
- hui tuku tohu 145
- Māori 143
- Riccarton Bush 142
- VFM reunion 142
- Ellesmere Agricultural & Pastoral Association 140
- campus aerial view 140
- Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) 138
- cultural awards 138
- Ellesmere A & P Show 137
- Lincoln University Winery 137
- PhD Dinner 137
- sporting awards 137
- Canterbury Museum 136
- research farm 136
- Children’s Sensory Garden 135
- Agricultural practice 133
- annuals 133
- 1969 BAgSci Reunion 132
- 1969 BHortSci Reunion 132
- History of New Zealand agriculture 130
- New Zealand agriculture 130
- Teaching Slides 129
- Telford Graduation Ceremony 129
- Martin Biss 126
- historical photos 126
- Field Research Centre 124
- Lincoln University Foundation 124
- South Island Farmer of the Year 124
- ceremonies 124
- 1938-1975 75 Years of VFM 122
- 75 Years of VFM 121
- Art & Heritage Committee 121
- Hawkes’ Bay Reunion 121
- Lincoln University farms 121
- Merino sheep 121
- high country 121
- McCaskill Building 119
- sports 119
- Field Service Centre 118
- building site 118
- celebrations 118
- horticulture research area 118
- 1965-66 DipAg 117
- Lincoln University 117
- Staff Garden Party 117
- afternoon procession 117
- graduation ceremony 117
- graduation procession 117
- hat party 117
- royal visit 117
- staff function 117
- Lincoln University Sports Scholars 113
- 1981 Rugby Reunion 112
- 1999 Halls reunion 111
- Halls of Residence 111
- Ellerslie Flower Show 110
- Lincoln University campus 110
- competitions 110
- displays 110
- 50 year reunion 109
- Alumni Gatherings 107
- College staff 105
- Tauranga Reunion 104
- bee house 104
- bug hotel 104
- bug house 104
- bug motel 104
- insect house 104
- 48 Hour Design Challenge 99
- Laboratory Building 99
- Portrait 99
- post-earthquake recovery 99
- Soil Science 98
- earthquake damage 98
- student projects 98
- AERU 50th Celebration 97
- Alumni Centenary Celebrations 97
- International Alumni Medal 97
- winemaking 97
- George Forbes Building 96
- Maurice Gray 96
- Agriculture & Life Science 95
- Kuan Goh 95
- retirement farewells 95
- 1978 Reunion 94
- Dig it Up Capsule 94
- insect motel 93
- Ivey West 92
- RFC 92
- Rāpaki Marae 92
- Tikao Talks 92
- book launch 92
- Rural Field Cadet (RFC) 90
- reunion 89
- 1965-66 DipAg 88
- 1972-1974 DipAg & VFM reunion 88
- 1986 BHortSc Reunion 88
- 30 Year on 88
- SoLA Reunion 87
- 1986 HAgrSc Reunion 83
- retired women's morning tea 83
- Alumni 82
- Blues, Golds and Greens Award 81
- 140th anniversary 79
- DipAg & VFM 1961-1963 79
- plaque 79
- rugby reunion 79
- Branch Gatherings 78
- Duke of Edinburgh 78
- North Canterbury 78
- Queen Elizabeth II 78
- Rugby Football Club 78
- Soils & Physical Sciences 78
- The Centre for Viticulture and Oenology (CV&O) 78
- Waipara 78
- Wine, Food & Molecular Bioscience 78
- 1968 DipVFM 77
- Australian reunion 77
- Wellington Reunion 77
- 1963-65 50 Years On 76
- Christchurch Branch 76
- Christchurch reunion 76
- Council members 76
- PWC Centre 76
- Canterbury reunion 75
- J. D. Stewart 75
- D. W. Bain 74
- The Queen's Silver Jubilee Tour 74
- royal tour 74
- Christchurch Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre 72
- Employment Expo 70
- career opportunities 70
- graduate recruitment 70
- 1980 BAgrSci reunion 69
- 1980 BHotSci reunion 68
- Dick Lucas 68
- Malaysia 68
- Sydney 68
- college farm 68
- staff and students 68
- Greening the Rubble 67
- New Brighton 67
- Rural Field Cadet 67
- community spaces 67
- halls of residence 67
- public green spaces 67
- Auckland Branch 66
- Colombo Plan Reunion 66
- 1965-66 DipHort 65
- 1968 BAgrSc reunion 65
- New Zealand native ground cover 65
- Bledisole Medal 64
- Commerce Building 64
- LUAA Day 64
- award 64
- 2012 Generations at Lincoln 63
- Dunedin Reunion 63
- Lincoln Agritech 50th Anniversary 63
- netball 63
- unknown 63
- Kuching 62
- Stewart Building 62
- accommodation 62
- 1998 Halls Reunion 61
- Bruce Ryde 61
- Bruce Ryde Photo Album 61
- SoLA Event 61
- 1968 Cricket Team 60
- Canterbury Agricultural College Reserves 60
- South Canterbury 60
- Students' Association Executive 60
- Lincoln University Medal 59
- cricket 59
- Lincoln University campus buildings 58
- Wahine Disaster 58
- Wahine survivors 58
- Alumni International Medal 57
- Senior Management Group (SMG) 57
- celebrating success 57
- Lincoln Campus view 56
- NZAEI 56
- Te Wheke 56
- Wine Science class photo 56
- design competition 56
- 1983 BAgrSc 55
- 1983 BHort 55
- CELA Conference 55
- New Zealand Agricultural Engineering Institute 55
- Buller 54
- Bullock Creek - Punakaiki 54
- New Zealand 54
- North Westland 54
- biodiversity 54
- epiphytes 54
- forest canopy 54
- forest canopy habitats 54
- invertebrates 54
- temperate rainforest 54
- Christchurch 53
- Keywords Blues, Golds and Greens Award 52
- awards 52
- Reunion Melbourne 50
- Rural Field Cadet (RFC) 50
- alumni 50
- earthquake recovery 50
- wool science 50
- Annual Reunion Golf Match 48
- Challenge Cup 48
- inspection 48
- Art Auction 47
- Bruce Ross 47
- Dick Lucas Collection 47
- Refectory 47
- 100 years rugby anniversary 46
- LASC 40th anniversary 46
- Lincoln University Scholars 46
- anniversaries 46
- centennial anniversary 46
- centennial celebrations 46
- institutional history 46
- student work 46
- Hudson Hall 45
- Phd dinner 45
- Alumni Medallist's Lunch 44
- Conference & Event Centre 44
- Dunedin 44
- Maori graduation 44
- corporate facilities 44
- corporate services 44
- vegetables 44
- redevelopment 43
- 1966 BAgSci 43
- 1977 BAgCom 43
- annual sports day 43
- graduation lunch 43
- 1958 BAgrSc Reunion 42
- Lincoln University Honorary Doctorate 42
- Maple Glen Gardens 42
- Southland 42
- horse 42
- practical education 42
- 1958 College days 41
- 2023 LTL Open Day 41
- Napier gatherings 41
- staff portrait 41
- 1980 BComAg Reunion 40
- Ngati Moki Trophy 40
- campus kids 40
- farm buildings 40
- Ako 39
- Centre for Learning & Teaching (CeLT) 39
- LU Excellence in Education Awards 39
- Learning and Teaching Week 39
- Burns Building 38
- Lincoln Agritech 38
- Lincoln Ventures 38
- Richard Bevin's slides 38
- medallists' lunch 38
- refurbishment 38
- 1960 37
- SoLA studio 37
- field day 37
- renovation 37
- sheep 37
- swimming baths 37
- swimming pool 37
- 1959 BAgrSc reunion 36
- Board of Governors 36
- Commerce Division 36
- Rapaki 36
- Te Wheke 36
- sheep breeds 36
- sports facilities 36
- AERU 45th celebration 35
- World War One 35
- farm group 35
- Curio Bay 34
- Jeff Grant 34
- Kuala Lumpur 34
- Lincoln farm animals 34
- Minster of the Environment 34
- Nick Smith 34
- Tuesday Lunch Club 34
- diploma students 34
- postal history 34
- swimming sports 34
- Lincoln College Post Office 33
- Memorials 33
- Ross Building 33
- campus view 33
- diploma 33
- group photo 33
- landscape design 32
- 1981 BAgrCom 31
- Bruce Ross' farewell 31
- Colombo Plan 31
- Professor Walker's memorial service 31
- Soil Science 31
- T. W. Walker 31
- campus farm 31
- Arboriculture 30
- Isamu Kawase 30
- Land Girls 30
- Open Day 30
- campus tree 30
- community engagement 30
- farm machinery 30
- memorial plaque 30
- Lincoln farms 29
- World War II 29
- staff photograph 29
- 1973 VFM reunion 28
- Great War 28
- Land Army 28
- Lincoln Alumni International Medal 28
- Stephen Mark Smith 28
- short course 28
- 50 Years On Reunion 27
- Ashley Dene 27
- Canterbury Agricultural & Pastoral Association 27
- The Loder Cup 27
- Wellington reunion 27
- campus garden 27
- courtyard 27
- golf tournament 27
- overseas visitors 27
- 1945s Reunion 26
- Colin Burrows 26
- Department of Conservation 26
- Library Courtyard 26
- Ruth Burns Court 26
- alumni annual dinner 26
- athletic sports 26
- events 26
- old cottage 26
- Canterbury A & P Show 25
- Hilgendorf environs 25
- Life at Lincoln 25
- Maori development 25
- Maori leadership 25
- Sir David Beatty Pete 25
- The Governor General 25
- filming 25
- BHU Organics Trust 24
- Biological Husbandry Unit 24
- Lincoln Agritech 24
- Lincoln University Council 24
- Lincoln Ventures 24
- Outlook images 24
- active service 24
- capping day 24
- community gardens 24
- organic farm 24
- organic garden 24
- wool research 24
- Notable Alumni 23
- Rugby first fifteen 23
- The Lodge 23
- Whakawatea 23
- alumni reunions 23
- educational facilities 23
- postgraduate 23
- wool classification 23
- wool clips 23
- wool samples 23
- Broadfield Gardens 22
- Langer's farewell 22
- Navarone 22
- Roll of Honour 22
- staff farewell 22
- turf 22
- Ivey's Cottage 21
Show More - Person...
- Tom Lambie 123
- Kuan Goh 105
- B. J. Ross 89
- J. W. Calder 86
- Neil Gow 54
- Albert H. Flay 49
- Eric R. Hudson 47
- I. D. Blair 47
- V. R. Clark 47
- P. G. Stevens 41
- H. E. Garrett 38
- Isamu Kawase 38
- M. B. Cooke 37
- R. H. Bevin 36
- Roger Field 36
- Geoffrey S. Moore 34
- Andrew West 33
- J. G. H. White 33
- Frederick William Hilgendorf 32
- Charles H. Upham 30
- J. D. Stewart 28
- Ruth A. Burns 28
- P. H. Davies 26
- Malcolm M. Burns 25
- R. H. M. Langer 25
- George Gray 24
- I. W. Weston 24
- Sek Pan Chee 22
- Sheldon Arthur Cradock 21
- Alfred (Turi) Thomas Carroll 20
- Bruce Ryde 20
- A. R. Ormond 19
- R. D. Dick 18
- Robert E. Alexander 18
- B. B. Blackmore 17
- Christen. E. Iversen 17
- Hirini Matunga 17
- John Ryan 17
- T. W. Walker 17
- A. B. Martin 16
- A. R. Delley 16
- Bill Brandenburg 16
- Ivy Harper 16
- J. Bayne 16
- Robert Edward Alexander 16
- T. D. J. Holderness 16
- Bruce McKenzie 15
- A. J. Mitchell 14
- Allan Frederick Wright 14
- D. S. Hart 14
- J. B. Brown 14
- Mohamad Mahfoedi 14
- R. P. Hunter-Weston 14
- Terry Heiler 14
- Widodo Hargo Hartono 14
- A. D. Coleman 13
- Alan Mark 13
- D. G. Dakshindas 13
- E. G. S. Monk 13
- I. E. Coop 13
- Ian Spellerberg 13
- J. W. T. Anstey 13
- L. B. Scott 13
- R. A. Calder 13
- R. J. Ballinger 13
- W. S. Hey 13
- W. W. Eustace 13
- A. B. Moore 12
- A. H. Flay 12
- A. K. McLay 12
- A. P. Boyle 12
- G. F. Tate 12
- J. H. G. Lloyd 12
- L. B. Morgan 12
- M. J. Thomson 12
- Phil O'Reilly 12
- R. A. Fougere 12
- R. B. Knight 12
- A. C. Purvis 11
- A. R. Taylor 11
- B. D. Cashmore 11
- Bob Evans 11
- C. J. Hamblyn 11
- D. B. Lawson 11
- Don McKinnon 11
- E. Lilburne 11
- G. B. Chrystall 11
- G. W. Gilbert 11
- G. W. R. Osborne 11
- J. W. McLean 11
- John McAlpine 11
- L. Morrison 11
- L. W. McCaskill 11
- M. E. Perera 11
- Margaret J. Evans 11
- Richie McCaw 11
- W. H. Gillespie 11
- A. I. Bilbrough 10
- A. M. Pettitt 10
- A. W. Marshall 10
- B. K. G. Wagner 10
- C. E. B. Ludbrook 10
- C. N. Watts 10
- C. P. Tebb 10
- C. S. Christie 10
- D. V. Gordon 10
- Dick Lucas (R. J. Lucas) 10
- F. D. Eggelton 10
- F. M. Riley 10
- I. G. Hamilton 10
- I. H. Miles 10
- J. H. Mauger 10
- J. R. Charlton 10
- Les Molloy 10
- R. A. Firth 10
- S. Mills 10
- V. A. Ashworth 10
- W. J. Thompson 10
- W. S. Allan 10
- A. E. Gibson 9
- A. Orchard 9
- A. W. Riddolls 9
- B. W. Francis 9
- Bidur Kumar Thapa 9
- Bin Baba Ahmid 9
- D. A. MacGibbon 9
- D. B. Kennedy 9
- D. J. Masterton 9
- Dick Lucas 9
- Errol J. Costello 9
- F. J. W. Billings 9
- G. S. Moore 9
- George Hill 9
- J. A. Hayward 9
- J. H. Nott 9
- J. Martin 9
- John Bayne 9
- L. T. Evans 9
- M. G. Keene 9
- M. J. Sim 9
- M. M. Burns 9
- R. A. Sherwin 9
- R. F. Fryer 9
- R. J. B. Hay 9
- R. P. Pottinger 9
- S. C. Childs 9
- Sharon Kautai 9
- T. F. Molesworth 9
- W. V. Hadfield 9
- J. B. Tavendale 8
- J. T. Witchalls 8
- A. Ormond 8
- Caroline Saunders 8
- D. A. Ivory 8
- D. G. Elvidge 8
- Derrick Moot 8
- E. A. Martin 8
- G. B. McLeod 8
- G. E. Ormond 8
- G. M. Niederer 8
- H. A. Duff 8
- Hanif Quazi 8
- J. A. Nimmo 8
- J. Carroll 8
- J. D. Mackay 8
- J. E. Coates 8
- J. H. Paterson 8
- J. I. Chrystall 8
- J. S. Engel 8
- J. S. Willock 8
- J. W. Henderson 8
- John Penno 8
- K. L. Waters 8
- M. Guerin 8
- Margaret Austin 8
- N. O'D Alexander 8
- Natalia Guazzone 8
- R. G. Shoobridge 8
- R. L. W. Averill 8
- R. N. Smith 8
- R. Thaine 8
- T. E. Ludecke 8
- W. S. Hill 8
- A. E. Price 7
- A. F. Cassie 7
- A. G. Dean 7
- A. H. Hayman 7
- A. J. Allison 7
- A. P. Furness 7
- A. S. Nash 7
- A. T. G. McArthur 7
- A. T. Somerville 7
- Adriana de Groot 7
- B. S. Whitty 7
- B. W. Such 7
- C. H. B. Wright 7
- D. J. Scott 7
- D. L. Janett 7
- D. M. Mayne 7
- D. Ormond 7
- D. W. Newall 7
- E. B. Watkins 7
- F. W. Hilgendorf 7
- G. A. Dunbar 7
- G. O. Garland 7
- H. J. King 7
- J. C. Simpson 7
- J. D. Wilson 7
- J. E. Sutherland 7
- J. L. Palmer 7
- J. M. Keoghan 7
- J. R. Sharp 7
- M. H. Rogers 7
- M. N. Walbran 7
- Muhammad Cheema 7
- Murray Harris 7
- R. F. Apatu 7
- R. Hudson 7
- Ron C. Blackmore 7
- Samuel Whitelock 7
- T. A. Cooke 7
- T. G. Price 7
- T. W. Tothill 7
- William Street 7
- Wilson J. Whineray 7
- A. A. Blakely 6
- A. B. Thomas 6
- A. Burnett 6
- A. C. Wright 6
- A. E. Jackman 6
- Keywords...