2020 Reunion - 1986 BAgrSci and BHortSci
CollectionAlumni ReunionsDescription
Around 40 alumni from all over New Zealand gathered in Lincoln and Christchurch for the BAgrSc and BHortSc class (who started in 1980) for their 40-year reunion on Friday 6 November. After lunch at the Famous Grouse Hotel in the Lincoln township, the group visited the campus where they were welcomed and given an update on the University from Professor Bruce McKenzie in Grounded. Having been a student at the same time as these alumni, Bruce reminisced along with the group members about campus life in the 1980s. After a photo session in front of Ivey Hall, the group took a tour of the campus.
Date6th November 2020Images
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (2nd Aug 2021). 2020 Reunion - 1986 BAgrSci and BHortSci . In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 14th Sep 2024 10:06, from https://livingheritage.lincoln.ac.nz/nodes/view/76864