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- Class Photographs
- 1961 Valuation and...
- 1961 Diploma of Ho...
- 1961 Diploma of Ag...
- 1961 Degree 1 Group B
- 1961 Degree 1 Group A
- 1961 8 Months Inte...
- 1961 8 Months Inte...
- 1960 Valuation and...
- 1960 Diploma of Ag...
- 1960 Diploma II Gr...
- 1960 Diploma I Gro...
- 1960 Diploma 1 Gro...
- 1960 Degree 2
- 1960 Degree 1 Group B
- 1960 Degree 1 Group A
- 1960 8 Months Inte...
- 1959 Valuation and...
- 1959 Rural Field C...
- 1959 Farm Training
- 1959 Diploma Agric...
- 1959 Diploma (DipA...
- 1959 Diploma (DipA...
- 1959 Degree 2
- 1959 Degree 1 Group B
- 1959 8 Months Inte...
- 1958 Valuation and...
- 1958 Horticulture
- 1958 Farm Training
- 1958 Diploma Agric...
- 1958 Diploma 1 Gro...
- 1958 Diploma 1 Gro...
- 1958 Degree 2
- 1958 Degree 1 Group B
- 1958 Degree 1 Group A
- 1958 8 Months' Int...
- 1957 DipHort class
- 1957 Valuation and...
- Circa 1957-58 Rura...
- 1957 Rural Field C...
- 1957 Rural Field C...
- 1957 Government Fi...
- 1957 Farm trainees
- 1957 Diploma 1 Gro...
- 1957 Diploma 1 Gro...
- 1957 Degree 2
- 1957 8 months Inte...
- 1956 Class photograph
- 1956 Valuation and...
- 1956 Rural Field C...
- Circa 1956 VFM stu...
- 1956 Farm Trainees
- 1956 Diploma 2
- 1956 Diploma 1 Gro...
- 1956 Diploma 1 Gro...
- 1956 Degree III
- 1956 Degree 2
- 1956 8 Months Inte...
- 1955 Valuation and...
- 1955 Farm Trinees
- 1955 Diploma 1
- 1955 Degree II
- 1955 8 Months' Int...
- 1954 Valuation and...
- 1954 Rural Field C...
- 1954 Rural Field C...
- 1954 Horticulture ...
- 1954 Eight Months ...
- 1954 Diploma 1
- 1954 Degree 1
- 1953 Valuation and...
- 1953 Rural Field C...
- 1953 Intensive course
- 1953 Diploma 1
- 1953 Degree 1
- 1952 Valuation and...
- 1952 Rural Field C...
- 1952 Diploma I Cla...
- 1952 8 Months' Int...
- 1951 Valuation and...
- 1951 Rural Field C...
- 1951 Intensive course
- 1951 Diploma 1 stu...
- 1951 Degree 1
- 1950 Valuation and...
- 1950 Horticulture ...
- 1950 8 Months' Int...
- 1950 Diploma 1
- 1950 Degree 1
- Unnamed group 8
- 1950 2nd Rural Fie...
- c.1950s Canterbury...
- 1949 Valuation and...
- 1949 Study 10 Inmates
- 1949 Rural Field C...
- 1949 Rural Field C...
- 1949 Marlborough E...
- 1949 Intensive Course
- 1949 Diploma 1
- 1949 Degree 1
- c1949 VFM group ph...
- 1948 Valuation and...
- 1948 Secondary Tea...
- 1948 Rural Field C...
- 1948 Dip. Ag. Stud...
- 1948 Degree I
- 1948 Horticulture I
- 1948 8 Months Inte...
- 1947 VFM group photo
- 1947 Rural Field C...
- 1947 10 weeks Reha...
- 1946-7 Diploma Group
- 1944 Diploma of Ag...
- The Originals, 194...
- 1943-44 Diploma group
- 1943-44 DipAg grou...
- 1943 Diploma stude...
- 1941 5th Herd Test...
- c.1940s Unknown gr...
- c. 1940s Unknown c...
- 1940s Canterbury A...
- c.1940s - c.1950s ...
- 1938 Valuation and...
- 1932 Group of firs...
- 1910 Diploma Students
- 1909 Diploma Students
- 1904 Second and Th...
- 1904 First year st...
- CAC Students 25 De...
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CollectionPhotographs from Album:

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Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (12th Dec 2024). c.1950s Canterbury Agricultural College group. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 17th Feb 2025 10:15, from