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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand License
- Lincoln Farms
- 1975 Professor Cli...
- 1974 Fat measureme...
- 1975 Professor Cli...
- Lincoln College St...
- Lincoln College St...
- Lincoln College St...
- Sheep in pasture w...
- Sheep in pasture w...
- Sheep at Henley Bl...
- Sheep at Henley Bl...
- Sheep in pasture w...
- Sheep at Henley Bl...
- Sheep in pasture w...
- Coopworth sheep ew...
- Sheep at Henley Bl...
- Coopworth sheep ew...
- Coopworth sheep ew...
- Cows grazing at Li...
- Cows grazing at Li...
- Coopworth sheep at...
- Coopworth sheep at...
- Cows grazing at Li...
- Harvesting peas, 1...
- Harvesting peas, 1...
- Harvesting peas, 1...
- Blackcurrant Harve...
- Raspberry Harveste...
- Blackcurrant Harve...
- Strawberry picking...
- Berry picking at h...
- Deer at a research...
- Deer at a research...
- Deer at a research...
- Coopworth sheep at...
- Coopworth sheep at...
- Tomato picking on ...
- Tomato picking on ...
- Tomato picking on ...
- A side view of a p...
- A front view of Pr...
- Hay Stacking, Linc...
- Horses Ploughing a...
- 1950s students on ...
- A man sitting on a...
- Irrigation machine...
- Irrigation machine...
- Irrigation machine...
- Lincoln College st...
- Lincoln College st...
- Lincoln College st...
- Lincoln College st...
- Reapers and binder...
- 1980 Helicopter sp...
- 1980 Helicopter sp...
- 2012 Panoramic vie...
- 2012 Vineyard Linc...
- 1939 Bruce McKay S...
- Circa 1969 Mechani...
- 1966 Factory farmi...
- 1966 Factory farmi...
- c.1940s - c.1950s ...
- c.1940s-c.1950sAer...
- 1944 Harvest
- Circa 1950-51 Cant...
- 1938 December Bali...
- 1938 December N.12...
- 1938 Herbert Duff ...
- 1938 Post Levy Trip
- 1938 J Brightling ...
- 1938 February Harv...
- 1938 Caterpillar D...
- 1938 December Baling
- 1938 College Farms
- 1937-38 Threshing
- 1937 June Arthur D...
- 1937 Billy Rowley ...
- 1937 Lamb weighing...
- 1937 Ploughing at ...
- 1937 September Geo...
- 1936 Harvest Cante...
- 1936 Encouraging g...
- 1936 Tractor Stuck
- 1936 Demonstration...
- 1936 Encouraging g...
- 1935 W D Robinson
- 1935 W D Robinson ...
- 1935 W. D. Robinson
- 1935 Young farmers...
- 1934 Thrashing Peas
- 1934 Stacking the ...
- 1934 Lincoln Sam t...
- 1934 Maud and foal
- 1934 Canterbury Ag...
- 1932 Young Stock S...
- 1932 Interior of c...
- 1932 Milking Machines
- 1932 Cow stall
- 1930s Stacking oats
- 1929 Successful pl...
- 1928 Stacking oper...
- 1917 Plan of CAC Farm
- 1915 Sheep shearin...
- 1949 Professor Pet...
- 1914 Corriedale Ram
- 1951 Visitors on a...
- 1951 The buckrake
- 1951 Testing respo...
- 1951 Stock-piling ...
- 1951 North-Holland...
- 1951 Instructors o...
- 1951 Forage harves...
- 1951 Diploma stude...
- 1951 Diploma stude...
- 1951 Diploma stude...
- 1951 Buckrake disc...
- 1950 Wheat harvest...
- 1950 Turning pastu...
- 1950 Turning pastu...
- 1950 Students at work
- 1950 Students at w...
- 1950 Lunch time at...
- 1950 L138 a Corrie...
- 1950 Inspecting th...
- 1950 Horticulture ...
- 1950 Fat-lamb sire...
- 1950 E R Hudson we...
- 1950 E R Hudson di...
- 1950 Diploma stude...
- 1950 College farm
- 1950 Aerial view o...
- 1949 Weed control
- 1949 The Corriedal...
- 1949 The animals g...
- 1949 Tailing with ...
- 1949 Students obta...
- 1949 Students obta...
- 1949 Sterlising gl...
- 1945 Section of th...
- 1949 Rotary shedde...
- 1949 Progeny Test ...
- 1949 Post-primary ...
- 1949 First cross L...
- 1949 Fat lamb sire...
- 1949 Farmers inspe...
- 1949 Farmers inspe...
- 1949 Corriedale ho...
- 1949 Compact Windrow
- 1949 College farm
- 1949 Breed trials ...
- 1949 Aerial Seed S...
- 1948 Soil Actionom...
- 1948 Septoria trit...
- 1948 Response of O...
- 1948 J50 Corriedal...
- 1948 College one-s...
- 1948 Harvest Cante...
- 1913 Romney Marsh ...
- 1913 Lincoln Shamr...
- 1913 Champion Ewe
- 1913 Champion Linc...
- 1912 Dorset Horn S...
- 1912 Broadhooks Stamp
- 1912 Shropshires2
- 1912 Shropshires1
- 1911 Wheats of Mid...
- 1911 Stoneyhurst H...
- 1911 English Leice...
- 1911 Shearing time
- 1911 Types of Bord...
- 1911 Wheats of Mid...
- Not Described - Hi...
- Tractor ploughing ...
- Steering tractor f...
- 1939 Crawler tract...
- Tractor - measurin...
- Historical Photogr...
- Horse-Drawn Disc H...
- 1911 English Leice...
- 1910 Lincoln Rose
- 1970 Strawberry Ha...
- 1970 Bob Crowder
- Canterbury Agricul...
- 1910 Four tooth Ram
- 1910 Ewe Hogget
- 1909 Lord Summerton
- 1961 World Record ...
- 1961 Producer of F...
- 1953 Erecting a shed
- Types of Border Le...
- 1960 Stud Sheep Farm
- 1960 Research Farm
- 1960 Dairy Farm
- 1960 Ashley Dene Farm
- 1960 Arable Farm
- 1908 The harvestin...
- 1958 Rural Scene
- 1958 Farm
- 1943 Relaxing time...
- 1943 Off to Windwh...
- 1943 Feeding out
- 1943 Cutting and b...
- 1942 Stacking Luce...
- 1942 Loading Lucer...
- 1942 Heavy Stockin...
- 1941 "Ready for Di...
- 1941 Duke's retire...
- 1960 Corriedale studs
- 1960 Stud Farm : S...
- 1960 Stud Farm Bui...
- 1960 Stud farm barn
- 1960 Farm 2
- 1960 Farm
- 1960 Old stable
- 1960 Poultry unit
- 1938 The Cowp
- The Engine at Linc...
- 1938 The Bales
- Harvesting, thresh...
- Harvesting, reapin...
- Harvest Fields
- Farm Management Cl...
- 1955 The College farm
- 1954 Field Day at ...
- 1907 Viewing the farm
- 1907 Farmers field...
- 1978 Field trip Co...
- 1978 College resea...
- 1978 Annual farmer...
- 1977 Ashleydene farm
- 1970s NZAEI Mechan...
- 1970s Hunua
- 1977 The quality o...
- 1978 Wool course g...
- College bred Coopw...
- 1977 Coopworth stu...
- 1977 Sophisticatio...
- 1977 Sophisticatio...
- Co-operation in Re...
- Co-operation in Re...
- Crop Production on...
- Crop Production on...
- 1977 Lincoln Colle...
- 1957 Ashley Dene f...
- 1957 Ashley Dene f...
- 1938 The practical...
- 1938 The practical...
- 1938 The engine an...
- Central Farms 1877...
- 1905 Riby of Beaul...
- 1905 The Poultry P...
- Threshing plant
- Horse drawn plough
- Baling Oats and Ve...
- Baling Oats and Ve...
- R. Stevens in the ...
- CAC Vegetable garden
- CAC sheep yards
- CAC Sheep 5
- CAC Sheep 4
- CAC Sheep 3
- CAC Sheep 2
- CAC Sheep 1
- CAC Pigs 2
- CAC Pigs 1
- CAC Orchard
- Circa 1900 Canterb...
- CAC Grounds 1
- CAC Fowl Yards
- CAC Cattle 1
- Canterbury Agricul...
- CAC Beehives
- Pea stacker
- Harvest Scenes
- College Holstein Bull
- Binders on the Col...
- Tractors on Colleg...
- Woolclassing

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Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (15th Jan 2025). Cows grazing at Lincoln College dairy farm, 1972 01. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 9th Feb 2025 08:10, from