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- Berberis seedling
- Berberis glaucocar...
- Berberis glaucocar...
- Bellis perennis an...
- Bellis perennis 4
- Bellis perennis 3
- Bellis perennis 2
- Bellis perennis 1
- Arum italicum 1
- Arum italicaum 2
- Arctotheca calendu...
- Arctotheca calendu...
- Arctotheca calendu...
- Arbutus unedo seed...
- Anagallis arvensis 3
- Anagallis arvensis 2
- Anagallis arvensis 1
- Alisma aquatica
- Alectryon excelsus...
- Aesculus hippocast...
- Achillea millefoli...
- Achillea millefoli...
- Achillea millefoli...
- Acer pseudoplatanus
- Acer pseudoplatanu...
- Acer pseudoplatanu...
- Acer pseudoplatanu...
- Acer platanoides s...
- Acer palmatum seed...
- Abelia x grandiflora
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Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (1st Jun 2017). Acer platanoides seedlings. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 26th Jan 2025 17:59, from