Emeritus Professor Dr Ali MemonEmeritus Professor Dr Ali MemonEmeritus Professor Dr Ali Memon
Retired form Lincoln in 2012, Professor of Environmental Planning and Management, Dr Ali Memon, has been honoured with appointment to the rank of Emeritus Professor – acknowledging academic stature and leadership in his discipline area.
After 13 years on the staff of Lincoln University, Emeritus Professor Memon moved to Auckland, where he has a position as a Senior Researcher with Auckland Council.
In 2011, Lincoln University's Professor of Environmental Management Ali Memon was acknowledged with the award of the New Zealand Planning lnstitute's Gold Medal.
It is only the third time in 20 years prior to 2011 that the prestigious Gold Medal has been awarded. Professor Memon is already a past winner (1994) of the lnstitute's other top prize - the Distinguished Service Award.
In a career of more than 30 years Professor Memon has given outstanding service to the planning profession in New Zealand through his development of professional planning education at Lincoln and Otago universities.
He was appointed to a personal professorship in environmental management and planning at Lincoln University in 1999, coming from Otago University where he had been Associate Professor and Director of the Planning Programme.
AwardedDistinguished Service Award 1994, Gold Medal 2011
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (26th Oct 2021). Ali Memon. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 11th Feb 2025 15:31, from https://livingheritage.lincoln.ac.nz/nodes/view/81767