L. T. Evans, B.Sc., M.Agr.Sc. Lloyd Thomas Evans is known as one of the Colleges most brilliant students. He received his post-primary education at Wanganui Technical College and at Wanganui Collegiate School. In 1947 he was awarded the Hunter Brown Cup for an agricultural essay, and in 1948 was the Lincoln College representative at the Joynt Scroll competition. That year he again won the Hunter Brown Cup. Lloyd had taken a prominent role in the committee work of the College having been a member of the Students' Executive, the College Tramping Club Committee and the Debating Club Committee. He was awarded a College representative blazer for hockey. He graduated with first class Honours in Field Husbandry. During 1950, while completing his masters at Lincoln, he lectured part-time in Agricultural Botany, a year after gaining his B.Sc. At C.U.C. he gained recognition for his ability in Botany and Chemistry. It is fitting that the University should have chosen him for their highest academic award-the Rhodes Scholarship. At Oxford he anticipates doing research into the reactions of plants to soil conditions. He carries with him the best wishes of the College, its staff and students.
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (1st Aug 2016). L. T. Evans. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 13th Sep 2024 04:35, from https://livingheritage.lincoln.ac.nz/nodes/view/5626