Certificate provided with kind permission of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. http://www.cwgc.orgFREE LANCE, VOLUME XVII, ISSUE 927, 18 APRIL 1918
Lance-Corporal Herbert McLachlan Hogben was the third son of Mr. George Hogben of Khandallah. After completing his education at Wellington College, he went on to the land for about five years, and subsequently came to Lincoln College for a year. He took up land in the King Country, but enlisted last year and left New Zealand with the 30th Reinforcements. He was very popular and much respected in the district in which he lived. He was in his 30th year when he was killed in action. Source: Canterbury Agricultural College Magazine, June 1918, p547.
Lance-Corporal HerbertMcLachlanHogben (killed in action, 27th March,1918), was the third son of Mr. George Hogben, Kliandallah (late Director of Education). He was born in Christchurch, 1888, and was educated at Waimataitai Public School (Timaru), Thorndon Public School, and Wellington College. After leaving the last named school he was engaged in farming in various places for about five years; then he spent a year at Lincoln Agricultural College. In 1912 he took up a section of land in the King Country (Seven miles back from Otorohanga) a considerable portion of which he bad improved and brought under cultivation when he enlisted last year. He went to the Front with the 30th Reinforcements.
Corporal Hogben was a splendid specimen of young New Zealand manhood. He was 6ft in height aoad broad m proportion. He belonged to the Farmers' Union at Otorolianga and to several local societies and committees. He was secretary of a settlers' committee to obtain a school' for the district, there being no school within five or six miles, and, by his persistence, succeeded before lie left in getting the school. He was very popular and much respected in the district in which lie lived. His eldest brother, Sergt. Geo. McLachlanHogben, who enlisted in the Mam Body, was killed at Gallipoli, in August 1915; his youngest brother, E.Noel McLachlanHogben, is at the Western Front, in the Machine Gun Corps. Source: FREE LANCE, VOLUME XVII, ISSUE 927, 18 APRIL 1918
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (8th Jul 2021). H. M. Hogben. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 17th Sep 2024 14:40, from https://livingheritage.lincoln.ac.nz/nodes/view/1760