D. J. Sidey from the photo of 1923 Rugby First Fifteen
David James Sidey(Student,1923-24).
He was a student of the College during the years 1923 and 1924. He became a member of the staff in 1927 and from that time his association with the College was continuous.
As a student he displayed in full measure those qualities which inspire respect and esteem-qualities which he retained and developed still further in his years of maturity. He was considerate of the welfare and of the feelings of others; he displayed zeal and enthusiasm; he was thorough and painstaking, enterprising and steadfast, diligent and earnest, honourable and trustworthy, courageous and resolute.
He lived a full life and lived it well. His work was good and his participation in sport and other activities was wholehearted. In every way his record was creditable to himself and reflected honour upon the College to which he belonged.
As a member of the staff, David James Sidey fulfilled the promise of his earlier years. To the College he gave unlimited loyalty and service; to students he proved a mentor and a friend; to his colleagues he displayed his qualities as a brother worker whose keenness and enthusiasm were a source of inspiration.
He developed an affection for this Institution and the things for which it stands. He became a lover of the soil and all that grows thereon. His interests were those of the landsman and the countryside was his pride and his joy.
In giving he gained. His spirit of service to Mother earth and to his fellows gave him an appreciation of the simple and the wholesome. His tastes were unspoilt, his demands were few and contentment and peace of mind were his reward.
I passing he leaves a space which no other can fill. All who knew him have suffered a loss of which they will remain conscious. As we admired his manly and sterling character so also we admire the fortitude and patience with which he bore a long illness.
To the members of his family we extend our sincere sympathy and express the hope that time will dim their sense of sorrow but will leave with them the memory of a worthy man. He will be remembered by us all. Source: In Memoriam of David James Sidey.
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (1st Sep 2016). D. J. Sidey. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 19th Sep 2024 20:48, from https://livingheritage.lincoln.ac.nz/nodes/view/4719