Profile image extracted from 1913 First Eleven photoProfile image extracted from 1912 First Eleven photo
Very deep regret was felt when it was learnt that Errington Werge Smith had died in Christchurch as a result of wounds received during the war. He served in Egypt and Palestine with the N.Z. Mounted Rifles, and was invalided back to New Zealand with gunshot wounds and an illness which caused his death at the Cashmere Military Hospital early in this year. Smith was educated at King's College, Auckland, and at this College 1912-1914, where he was very prominent in the athletic life as well as achieving a high degree of success in his studies. He was ever the same bright, cheery, open-hearted good comrade, a staunch friend and a true one. Source: Canterbury Agricultural College Magazine, December 1922, p897.
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (16th May 2022). Errington W. Smith. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 18th Sep 2024 17:48, from