Certificate provided with kind permission of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. http://www.cwgc.org
Second Lieutenant Nathaniel Arthur Pearce was the only son of Mr. A. E. Pearce. of Wellington. After leaving this college, he took up farming pursuits with his uncle in the Wairarapa. On the outbreak of war he was very keen to enlist, but being only 19 years of age he was turned down as being under military age. Being very keen to do his duty, however, he obtained his father's permission to proceed to England, where he had not been long before he obtained a commission in the Grenadier Guards. He was sent over to France as Second Lieutenant, and had been there for about twelve months when he was killed, having done his duty nobly and well. Source: Canterbury Agricultural College Magazine, June 1918 p547.
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (22nd Feb 2017). N. Arthur Pearce. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 11th Sep 2024 06:21, from https://livingheritage.lincoln.ac.nz/nodes/view/72