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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand License
- New Zealand native plant...
- Agathis australis 5
- Agathis australis 4
- Agathis australis 3
- Agathis australis 2
- Agathis australis 1
- Parahebe lyallii
- Leonohebe cupresso...
- Leonohebe cupresso...
- Leonohebe cupresso...
- Leonohebe cupresso...
- Leonohebe cupresso...
- Leonohebe cupressi...
- Leonohebe cupressi...
- Heliohebe hulkeana 3
- Heliohebe hulkeana 2
- Heliohebe hulkeana 1
- Heliohebe Hagley P...
- Heliohebe Hagley P...
- Heliohebe Hagley P...
- Hebe Youngii
- Hebe x franciscana...
- Hebe x franciscana...
- Hebe x franciscana...
- Hebe x franciscana...
- Hebe x franciscana...
- Hebe x carnea Carn...
- Hebe x carnea Carn...
- Hebe x andersonii
- Hebe x andersonii ...
- Hebe x andersonii ...
- Hebe x andersonii ...
- Hebe Wiri Mist 2
- Hebe Wiri Mist 1
- Hebe Wiri Gem 2
- Hebe Wiri Gem 1
- Hebe Waikiki 3
- Hebe Waikiki 2
- Hebe Waikiki 1
- Hebe venustula 2
- Hebe venustula 1
- Hebe townsonii dom...
- Hebe townsonii 2
- Hebe townsonii 1
- Hebe topiaria
- Hebe topiara
- Hebe subalpina
- Hebe strictissima
- Hebe stricta 4
- Hebe stricta 3
- Hebe stricta 2
- Hebe stricta 1
- Hebe speciosa 'Var...
- Hebe speciosa Pink...
- Hebe speciosa 2
- Hebe speciosa 1
- Hebe Silver Queen
- Hebe Red Edge 3
- Hebe Red Edge 2
- Hebe Red Edge 1
- Hebe recurva
- Hebe recurva Aoira
- Hebe pinguifolia S...
- Hebe pimeleoides 2
- Hebe pimeleoides 1
- Hebe pauciramosa 2
- Hebe pauciramosa 1
- Hebe pauciflora
- Hebe parviflora
- Hebe Oratia Beauty 2
- Hebe Oratia Beauty 1
- Hebe odora 2
- Hebe odora 1
- Hebe ochracea Jame...
- Hebe obtusata 2
- Hebe obtusata 1
- Hebe McEwanii
- Hebe Marjorie 2
- Hebe Marjorie 1
- Hebe macrocarpa va...
- Hebe macrocarpa va...
- Hebe macrantha
- Hebe lycopodioides 2
- Hebe lycopodioides 1
- Hebe Lindsayi 2
- Hebe Lindsayi 1
- Hebe Lavender Spray
- Hebe Lavender Lace 2
- Hebe Lavender Lace 1
- Hebe Inspiration
- Hebe Harperi
- Hebe evenosa 2
- Hebe evenosa 1
- Hebe Eveline 1
- Hebe elliptica 2
- Hebe elliptica 1
- Hebe diosmifolia W...
- Hebe diosmifolia 2
- Hebe diosmifolia 1
- Hebe decumbens 2
- Hebe decumbens 1
- Hebe Christensenii
- Hebe chathamica 2
- Hebe chathamica 1
- Hebe buchananii
- Hebe Blue Cloud 2
- Hebe Blue Cloud 1
- Hebe biggarii
- Hebe Autumn Glory 2
- Hebe Autumn Glory 1
- Hebe armstrongii W...
- Hebe armstrongii W...
- Hebe armstrongii 2
- Hebe armstrongii 1
- Hebe annulata
- Hebe albicans 2
- Hebe albicans 1
- Haloragus erecta W...
- Haloragus erecta W...
- Griselinia littora...
- Griselinia littora...
- Griselinia littora...
- Griselinia littora...
- Griselinia littora...
- Griselinia littora...
- Geranium sessilifl...
- Gaultheria opposit...
- Myrsine salicina toro
- Myrsine divaricata
- Myrsine australis 2
- Myrsine australis 1
- Myosotidium hortensia
- Myoporum laetum fruit
- Myoporum laetum 2
- Myoporum laetum 1
- Muehlenbeckia aust...
- Metrosideros umbel...
- Metrosideros umbel...
- Metrosideros perfo...
- Metrosideros fulge...
- Metrosideros excel...
- Metrosideros Excelsa
- Metrosideros excel...
- Metrosideros diffusa
- Mertya sinclairii
- Melicytus ramiflor...
- Melicytus ramiflor...
- Melicytus obovatus 2
- Melicytus obovatus 1
- Melicytus micranth...
- Melicytus micranth...
- Melicytus lanceola...
- Melicytus lanceola...
- Melicytus crassifo...
- Melicytus crassifo...
- Melicytus chathami...
- Melicytus chathami...
- Melicope ternata 3
- Melicope ternata 2
- Melicope ternata 1
- Macropiper excelsu...
- Macropiper excelsum 2
- Macropiper excelsum 1
- Lophomyrtus x ralp...
- Lophomyrtus x ralp...
- Lophomyrtus x ralp...
- Lophomyrtus Purpur...
- Lophomyrtus bullata 4
- Lophomyrtus bullata 3
- Lophomyrtus bulla...
- Lophomyrtus bulla...
- Libertia peregrina...
- Libertia ixioides 2
- Libertia ixioides 1
- Libertia grandiflo...
- Libertia grandiflo...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptospermum scopa...
- Leptinella Platt's...
- Leptinella Platt's...
- Kunzea ericoides 2
- Kunzea ericoides 1
- Knightia excelsa 3
- Knightia excelsa 2
- Knightia excelsa 1
- Kanuka trunks Kun...
- Hoheria sexstylosa
- Hoheria populnea V...
- Hoheria populnea 2
- Hoheria populnea 1
- Hoheria lyallii 2
- Hoheria lyallii 1
- Hoheria gall
- Hoheria angustiifo...
- Hoheria angustifol...
- Hoheria angustifol...
- Hibiscus trionum
- Helichrysum dimorp...
- Helichrysum dimorp...
- Pittosporum Varieg...
- Pittosporum Varieg...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pittosporum tenuif...
- Pisonia brunoniana...
- Pimelia prostrata 2
- Pimelia prostrata 1
- Pimelea urvilleana
- Pimelea Quicksilve...
- Pimelea prostrata ...
- Pimelea aridula
- Phormium tenax Yel...
- Phormium tenax Hanmer
- Phormium tenax flo...
- Phormium tenax 2
- Phormium tenax 1
- Phormium tenax Go...
- Phormium Sunset
- Phormium Smiling Morn
- Phormium Rubrum
- Phormium Purpureum
- Phormium Dazzler
- Phormium cookianum
- Phormium cookianum...
- Phormium cookianum...
- Phormium cookianum...
- Phormium Aurora
- Persoonia toru
- Persoonia toru flo...
- Pachystegia insign...
- Pachystegia insign...
- Pachystegia insign...
- Ozothamnus leptoph...
- Ozothamnus leptoph...
- Ozothamnus leptoph...
- Ozothamnus leptoph...
- Ozothamnus leptop...
- Olearis lineata Da...
- Olearis lineata Da...
- Olearia x oleifolia 2
- Olearia x oleifolia 1
- Olearia x haastii
- Olearia traversior...
- Olearia traversior...
- Olearia phlogopappa 2
- Olearia phlogopappa 1
- Olearia paniculata 3
- Olearia paniculata 2
- Olearia paniculata 1
- Olearia nummularii...
- Olearia nummularia...
- Olearia nummularia...
- Olearia macrodonta...
- Olearia macrodonta 2
- Olearia macrodonta 1
- Olearia Lochiel 2
- Olearia Lochiel 1
- Olearia ilicifolia 3
- Olearia ilicifolia 2
- Olearia ilicifolia 1
- Olearia avicenniae...
- Olearia avicenniae...
- Olearia avicenniae...
- Olearia arborescens 2
- Olearia arborescens 1
- Cassinia leptophylla
- Pittosporum ralphi...
- Pittosporum ralphii 2
- Pittosporum ralphii 1
- Pittosporum Garnettii
- Pittosporum eugeni...
- Pittosporum eugeni...
- Pittosporum eugeni...
- Pittosporum eugeni...
- Pittosporum divari...
- Pittosporum dallii 2
- Pittosporum dallii 1
- Plagianthus regius 6
- Plagianthus regius 5
- Plagianthus regius 4
- Plagianthus regius 3
- Plagianthus regius 2
- Plagianthus regius 1
- Plagianthus divari...
- Plagianthus divari...
- Plagianthus divari...
- Pomaderris kumeraho 2
- Pomaderris kumeraho 1
- Pratia angulata 2
- Pratia angulata 1
- Pseudopanax simplex 2
- Pseudopanax simplex
- Pseudopanax Linear...
- Pseudopanax Linear...
- Pseudopanax lesson...
- Pseudopanax lesson...
- Pseudopanax lesson...
- Pseudopanax lesson...
- Pseudopanax lesson...
- Pseudopanax lesson...
- Pseudopanax lesson...
- Pseudopanax laetus 4
- Pseudopanax laetus 3
- Pseudopanax laetus 2
- Pseudopanax laetus 1
- Pseudopanax ferox 5
- Pseudopanax ferox 4
- Pseudopanax ferox 3
- Pseudopanax ferox 2
- Pseudopanax ferox 1
- Pseudopanax epiphy...
- Pseudopanax discol...
- Pseudopanax discol...
- Pseudopanax discol...
- Pseudopanax crassi...
- Pseudopanax crassi...
- Pseudopanax crassi...
- Pseudopanax arbore...
- Pseudopanax arbore...
- Pseudopanax arbore...
- Pseudopanax arbore...
- Pseudopanax arb x ...
- Pseudopanax arb x ...
- Pseudopanax anomal...
- Pseudopanax anomal...
- Pseudopanax Adiant...
- Pseudopanax Adiant...
- Pseudowintera colo...
- Pseudowintera colo...
- Pseudowintera colo...
- Pseudowintera colo...
- Pseudowintera colo...
- Ranunculus lyallii 3
- Ranunculus lyallii 2
- Ranunculus lyallii 1
- Ranunculus insignis
- Raoullia hookeri
- Raukura colensoi 2
- Raukura colensoi 1
- Raukaua simplex va...
- Raukaua simplex 2
- Raukaua simplex 1
- Revegetation Water...
- Revegetation Pitto...
- Revegetation Copos...
- Rhabdothamnus sola...
- Rhabdomanthus sola...
- Rhabdomanthus sola...
- Rhopalostylis sapi...
- Rhopalostylis sapi...
- Rubus x barkeri 2
- Rubus x barkeri 1
- Scleranthus biflor...
- Scleranthus biflor...
- Solanum laciniatum 3
- Solanum laciniatum 2
- Solanum laciniatum 1
- Solanum aviculare
- Sophora
- Sophora, black bee...
- Sophora tetraptera 8
- Sophora tetraptera 7
- Sophora tetraptera 6
- Sophora tetraptera 5
- Sophora tetraptera 4
- Sophora tetraptera 3
- Sophora tetraptera 2
- Sophora tetraptera 1
- Sophora prostrata ...
- Sophora prostrata ...
- Sophora prostrata 2
- Sophora prostrata 1
- Sophora molloyi Dr...
- Sophora molloyi Dr...
- Sophora microphylla 3
- Sophora microphylla 2
- Sophora microphylla 1
- Sophora longicarin...
- Sophora longicarin...
- Sophora Early Gold
- Ulva Island 10
- Ulva Island 9
- Ulva Island 8
- Ulva Island 7
- Ulva Island 6
- Ulva Island 5
- Ulva Island 4
- Ulva Island 3
- Ulva Island 2
- Ulva Island 1
- Epiphytes
- Toronia toru flowers
- Toronia toru 2
- Toronia toru 1
- Urtica ferox 2
- Urtica ferox 1
- Weinmannia racemosa
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This licence lets you distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit us for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of the licences offered, in terms of what you can do with our works licensed under Attribution.
New Zealand native plants and their habitat
Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho (12th Apr 2023). New Zealand native plants and their habitat. In Website Lincoln University Living Heritage: Tikaka Tuku Iho. Retrieved 17th Feb 2025 07:40, from