As the first week of Semester One draws to a close, a hugely successful Lincoln University Orientation period has reached a satisfying conclusion.
Students took full advantage of the great line-up of events on offer, with the Lincoln University Students’ Association (LUSA) hosting its usual O’Week, while the university organised its own activities to help various student cohorts settle into life at Lincoln.
LUSA’s programme included a Toga Party, Bogan Bingo and Ivey Dreams, which all attracted large numbers of students eager to revel in the new beginning presented by the start of an academic year.
The university initiated Halls of Residence students into their new campus homes with activities designed to help them get to know one another and their special orientation ends tonight with a Friday fish and chip dinner.
International students took part in a series of workshops to get the lowdown on life in New Zealand and become familiar with study regulations that might differ from the ones at home.
Scholars and mature students also received their own inductions.
But the highlight of the university’s line-up of events was Freshers’ Day, held on Thursday last week, which brought all new students together to celebrate the start of Lincoln life.
Hundreds of newbies turned out to get useful tips from academics and existing students, then formed groups and took part in an Amazing Race-style activity to familiarise themselves with the important locations on campus.
The activity was run via the Goosechase app and 2020 is the second year that Lincoln has inducted its Freshers in this way.
Many prizes were won, with 300 students taking part.
The event concluded with a free lunch on Forbes Lawn.