How do we feed a growing world population while safeguarding the environment?
How do we converse biodiversity? What new foods can we develop in the future? How can we understand the societal context of these questions and relate them to the science involved, and what role does environmental policy play?
Lincoln University’s science and environmental qualifications tackle the big issues.
The Bachelor of Science’s Environmental Science major works at the interface of agriculture and the natural environment, with a focus on soil, water and biology to understand the impact of particular land usages on the environment.
The Food Science major looks at innovating in the food industry, as well as food safety. The Conservation major teaches you how to identify New Zealand’s plants and animals, and the threats they face.
The Bachelor of Environment and Society degree helps you to understand social science and environmental science, and communicate the issues involved in both.
The Bachelor of Environmental Management and Bachelor of Policy and Planning are interdisciplinary degrees covering the breadth of knowledge you need to address the challenges we face today.
You can learn more about all of these degrees and the awesome careers they lead to, on a series of videos.
Bachelor of Science Environmental Science major
Bachelor of Science Food Science major
Bachelor of Science Conservation and Ecology major
The Bachelor of Environment and Society
Bachelor of Environmental Management and Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Planning