A student-led drive to build a climbing wall in the university may be reaching its Everest in 2021.
For two years, a group of students from the Lincoln University Tramping and Climbing Club have been advocating and fundraising for a Bouldering Gym to be incorporated in the Recreation Centre upgrade.
The project team already has raised $12,000 from their fundraising to date.
The university has now approved the project, subject to additional fundraising of $8000, and if this is achieved, work could start in 2021.
Jodanne Aitken of the Lincoln University Tramping and Climbing Club says it is a great way to help grow the sport of climbing.
Bouldering is a growing sport on university campuses and elsewhere worldwide. It involves climbing small rock formations, or an artificial indoor rock wall, without ropes or harnesses.
The group have a Give little page for donations https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/lincoln-bouldering-gym
Alumni who are interested in supporting the students’ Bouldering Project can also make a donation by contacting Penny Curran on Phone (03) 423 0012 or alumni@lincoln.ac.nz.